World's happiest cities have the most cyclists [Yahoo Canada]

A happiness expert — best job ever — and economist at the University of British Columbia has determined that the world’s happiest cities are those with the most cyclists.

It might be time to get that bike out of the shed.

John Helliwell shared his findings with The Globe and Mail’s Sarah Hampson. He pointed out that Denmark is often ranked as one of the happiest places in the world — “In Copenhagen, one in three people cycles to work or school,”Hampson wrote — with 11 national cycle routes to explore.

The “happiest city in America,” San Luis Obispo, California, has bike lanes aplenty, too:

“The nearly 11 square mile city currently hosts 34 miles of on-street bike lanes, a bicycle boulevard, bicycle corrals and about six miles of dedicated bicycle path, with more coming down the pipeline,”KCET reports.

 another happy city. Yep, it’s bike-friendly. As is Vancouver.


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