Maxxon Wireless Brake Light
Why Need a Bicycle Brake Light? According to statistics, majority of bike-related accidents happened by being hit !! There are over 20 million bicycles sold in the U.S. each year nowadays, and there are thousands of injuries and deaths out of accidents each year too. Here you can find important statistics . Unlike most European countries, most roads in the States don't have bike lanes, which forces bike-riders to ride closely with cars, trucks or motorcycles, and thus exposes themselves to great dangers......Also when riding in a group, bike-riders tell us that accidents happen because the guy in front slows down or stops and the one behind doesn't notice in time. Even 0.01% risk should be avoided, and our brake lights are here to help reduce the accident probability. Don't let any "tiny" risk become a "big" devil standing in your life !! Can a mere flashing light protect you enough???? Flashing lights only work at nighttime, so apparently, i