Ask your Ohio Rep to support safer bicycling
Nov 14, 2014 — Just another reminder to contact your representative to ask them to vote for HB145. Would you also ask others to sign this petition to show their support? Let's join the other 22 states with a 3' passing law! Please support HB 145 to make biking safer and more convenient in Ohio! Ohio House Bill 145 was approved May 28 by the Ohio House Transportation Committee, and is now facing a possible vote next month on the floor of the Ohio House. House Bill 145 is sponsored by State Representative Mike Henne, and supported by the Ohio Bicycle Federation. House Bill 145 would do two good things for Ohio's cyclists: Require that motorists leave a safe passing distance of at least three feet when passing Ohio cyclists. Passage would make Ohio the 23 rd state to have this safer passing requirement. Permit all Ohio vehicles to proceed after sto...