Market to Market Ride Pics and Short Report
I rode down Broad to Victorian Village to ride with friends. 13 miles. Averaged 18mph. Then we jumped on the trail and rode to Hills Market. We had six to start and then added Greg and Scott along the trail. The only bad thing about the trail is a lot of people are training for the marathon and clogged the trail. My wife drove up to meet us for breakfast. We filled up on pancakes and sausage and hot coffee. Andrew had a flat so we repaired it before heading south. I ran into so many people I know at the Hills, it was great. Rode south on the trail and doubled back to talk to Dylan and Janet as they headed north. Rode pretty fast to catch up to the rest of the group and caught them before the trail break in Clintonville. We grouped up again and then in campus broke apart as people headed on different routes to the North Market. We rode down to the waterfront and looped back. I ran into Mary at the North Market and she estimated 300 people for the ride. Great turnout. We got in li...