
Showing posts from September 27, 2009

Market to Market Ride Pics and Short Report

I rode down Broad to Victorian Village to ride with friends. 13 miles. Averaged 18mph. Then we jumped on the trail and rode to Hills Market. We had six to start and then added Greg and Scott along the trail. The only bad thing about the trail is a lot of people are training for the marathon and clogged the trail. My wife drove up to meet us for breakfast. We filled up on pancakes and sausage and hot coffee. Andrew had a flat so we repaired it before heading south. I ran into so many people I know at the Hills, it was great. Rode south on the trail and doubled back to talk to Dylan and Janet as they headed north. Rode pretty fast to catch up to the rest of the group and caught them before the trail break in Clintonville. We grouped up again and then in campus broke apart as people headed on different routes to the North Market. We rode down to the waterfront and looped back. I ran into Mary at the North Market and she estimated 300 people for the ride. Great turnout. We got in li...

Columbus needs BikeStation

Bikestation  is working to give people clean options. Bikestation plans, designs, and operates bike-transit centers, enabling bicycling and other alternatives to be an integral part of the transportation system.  Our facilities offer secure bicycle parking and related services to make cyclists' lives easier. Park your bike at one of our facilities   and you can be assured that your vehicle is secure and covered.  If you are a potential Bikestation project developer, please click  here . Whether you ride your bike to public transportation, to work, or you simply need a safe place to store your bike for the day, Bikestation   is available to serve you. It's simple, convenient and affordable. Many Bikestations offer free parking during their hours of operation, and paid memberships for 24-hour access to secure parking.  To find more information on what method of parking is more convenient for you, check the page of your local Bikestation for their da...

COP 24rd Fall Hoot

Date: Saturday October 3, 2009 Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: Bloom Carroll High School City State Zip: Carroll, OH 8:00-9:30AM. Bloom Carroll High School, Rt. 33 between Canal Winchester and Lancaster. Longer route of 65 miles with lots of hills may remind you of CFC. Flat to rolling route of 35-40 miles. Plenty of food stops available. Budget Tour. $2 members, $4 non-members David Miller 614/444-2276 tke.534 at Roy Burnham 614/343-3704

Market to Market Ride is October 3, 2009

Market to Market Bicycle Adventure Saturday, October 3, 2009 Two of Columbus' premiere independent, locally-owned specialty foods markets are partnering to celebrate the bounty that Ohio producers bestow upon our great state. The Hills Market and North Market share not only a philosophical connection: one that makes it a priority to provide and promote the best Ohio has to offer to consumers, but also a physical connection: the Olentangy River Greenway (or more commonly, the Olentangy Bike Trial). Join both markets on Saturday, October 3, as they connect to celebrate the end of a great summer season with “Market to Market”: a cross-city local foods-centric bike ride, for amateurs and aficionados alike.  Market to Market will be the kick-off event for Local Matters Local Foods Week in Columbus.     Participants have the option of starting at either market to fuel up with breakfast before embarking on the 13 mile adventure to the market at the other end of the bike tr...

Thursday Night Ride. Anyone want to ride?

I am planning on a ride from Goodale Park at 7pm to the west side. If anybody is interested please email me raymondmgeorge [at]

Tuesday Night Ride Pics

iPhone heads up display

America is officially messed up...

School district could backpedal on policy Saratoga Springs board to consider modifying ban on riding bikes to schools By  DENNIS YUSKO , Staff writer First published in print: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 SARATOGA SPRINGS -- Seventh-grader Adam Marino is getting a firsthand lesson in civil disobedience. Read more:

ProTonLocks Magnetic Pedal Locks

ProTon Magnetic Pedal Locks Should reduce the risk of injuries by providing a means to secure the rider to the bicycle pedal via the New Hi Tech Magnetic Pedal Locking Device. This allows the rider to maintain a positive attraction to the bicycle pedal through a new break through in magnetic materials, yet if the rider falls, the "side shear force" can quickly and easily release the rider from the bike reducing the risk of additional injuries. These units are made from A380 Aluminum, Nickel Plated High Power Magnet, Chrome-molly spindle and sealed ball bearings. This is a fully serviceable unit, with replacement parts available. Made in Silicon Valley U.S.A. These are offered in 3 sizes, Micro Mini, 3" X 3" "Mini" & 3-3/4" X 3-3/4" Pro full size. The magnetic force of the magnet will help keep your feet on the pedals while riding hard reducing the risk of "slipping a pedal". The Micro Mini is great for the road cruisers, Mini - BMX...

Look Ma, No Brakes! - Washington Post story about fixies!

What a profile they cut, slicing through the city: gorgeous, exotic, dangerous. You see them parked like emaciated steeds outside the coolest clubs. They don't make much sense, yet for one more fleeting season at least, they are the rage in certain circles. Sort of dumb and super hip: the twin characteristics of many things in life. We are talking about a bicycle. A very special kind of road bicycle, called a fixed-gear bike, or fixie for short. more...

Bike the C-Bus 2009 Photos

Gyrowheel demo at Interbike 2009

History class tackles Manhattan on 'epic' all-night bike ride - Columbia Spectator

The 35th Annual All-Night Bike Ride for the History of the City of New York class, taught by Kenneth Jackson, took students through Manhattan in a midnight tour of history. Two New York University girls—drunk ones, so it seemed—call out to us, “Why are you all riding your bikes?” “For a class!” we reply, rushing past and feeling the wind in our helmet hair. “I don’t get that. I guess that’s why I go to NYU,” one says to the other. And then my friend hums, “Oh, who owns New York?...” This was the 35th Annual All-Night Bike Ride for the History of the City of New York class, taught by Kenneth Jackson, Jacques Barzun Professor in History and the Social Sciences. In a word—used at least once by each participant throughout the night—it was epic. Indulgent and extravagant, dangerous and obnoxious at times, this mass of around 250 people rode through the island of Manhattan in the wee hours of Friday morning, as if marking our territory. more...

88 Bikes

88Bikes. You can go anywhere. It doesn't always take a massive relief organization to tip the scales for joy and sustainability in places where children and young adults are challenged to be their own heroes. 88bikes provides a simple and direct opportunity to make a difference for a young person in the world: buy a child a bike! Use the links to see more about us and our work around the world. the site...

Columbus needs to step up to the big leagues! Sunday Streets

Sunday Streets is Now a Permanent Program This year, San Franciscans enjoyed over 18 miles of car-free streets on six Sundays, in four San Francisco neighborhoods, from East to West! Upwards of 20,000 adults and kids came out for each event enjoying healthy activities from bicycling to dancing, rollerskating to yoga and hula hooping. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC) was proud to play a big part in the success of Sunday Streets by coordinating and training more than 600 volunteers. Mayor Gavin Newsom announced that Sunday Streets is now a permanent program in San Francisco. With the enormous success of Sunday Streets in 2009, organizers would like to see more Sunday Streets events in 2010. If you would like to see more Sunday Streets events, extended hours or want it to come to your neighborhood, email  Mayor Gavin Newsom  and your  City Supervisor. from  San Francisco Bicycle Coalition

Mad River Ride September 27 Pics