
Showing posts from June 22, 2008

24 Hours of Waffle Rally - Waffle House tour IS IN LIMBO

UPDATE - The 24 Hours of Waffle Ride is being rescheduled. Start from 15th and High in front of the Wex. We will plan on visiting 10-12 Waffle House locations on the ride. The route will be posted so people can join in at anytime. More info will be posted as we get closer. Please join the Columbus Rides group for updated emails about rides. - See sidebar.

Where is Columbus' Bike Borrow Plan?

USA Today Cities take bike-transit plans for a spin Led by Washington, D.C., several cities across the U.S. are launching or considering public bike-rental programs to give residents and tourists an alternative to $4 gas, pollution and congestion. More...

Bike Car for sale in Columbus

Link here... Here is the manufacturer's website... Duncan was looking for a bike powered vehicle to carry his equipment. I think the GoBoy would work out well for him.

Columbus - Other portions of city code for bikes would change

* Bicycles would be allowed on sidewalks under the related changes designed to clean up inconsistencies in city laws. Helmets for kids weren't the only changes proposed to Columbus rules on bicycles. In addition to requiring that those age 17 or younger wear helmets while operating bicycles or other non-motorized vehicles, the ordinance proposed by Councilwoman Charleta Tavares, chairwoman of council's Health, Housing and Human Services Committee, would allow bicyclists on sidewalks. Lara Baker, chief prosecutor for the city of Columbus, said after she was asked to look at the helmet law, she saw "inconsistencies in the statute." City laws "cannot be vague, cannot be conflicting," she said. More...

The Lantern: Bicycle co-op gives cyclists a third hand

It is a small but busy space and the rich smell of rubber tires mingled with grease hangs in the air. The tires are hanging by the dozens from hooks embedded in the ceiling, the wall is lined with bicycle frames and at several stations, pairs of workers are fixing flats, removing rust, greasing chains and adjusting brakes. A man with a shaved head, piercing blue eyes and a wide smile approaches and says, "Hi, welcome to Third Hand, what can I help you with?" His arms are quite literally covered with thick, black grease. more...

6/23/2008 Ride Report

Quick report - some highlights Beautiful weather - clear in low 70's - dropped into 60's toward the end 120+ people 2 tandems Cooper Stadium Multiple flat tires Run-ins with several autos Pinky squealing like a little girl The breakaway - The Abbey High Beck Three Creeks Park - The low hanging fog in the fields and on the trail was incredible. 36 miles

Check out One Car Motorcade

I met Matt through a friend. His band is releasing an album and you can listen to some tracks on Myspace . Here is some info from the page... The members of One Car Motorcade have been friends since high school and have played music together on and off over the years. Somewhere in the mid aughts, life took them away from making music, but not from maintaining their friendships. Sometime in the late summer of 2007, they determined that the friendships were OK, but what they really missed was making music. So they got together for a jam session and before they knew it, an album was written. The idea was just to have fun and write some cool rock ‘n’ roll songs without taking themselves too seriously. However, they are just pretentious enough to have one of the band members write this bio in the third person. So here’s the myspace page – with photos taken by Jennifer Schaaf and music produced by Rick May. The six songs on this page are from the self titled album which is currently being pr...

CemeScary Paranormal Photo

Probably fog, but pretty cool shot at one of the cemeteries. Although, we have other shots in the same cemetery and there is no fog. What do you think?

World Naked Bike Ride - Columbus Ohio! Stop indecent exposure to oil dependency!

Location(s) Undecided Columbus, OH United States See map: Google Maps Time: 09/06/2008 - 10:00am Website : Contact Email: Press release

Tour de Grandview this weekend

I stopped over last year and watched the races. It is fun to watch the cyclists group break up when they reach the hill before the finish line. It is an indicator of who is fit and who is not. The website...