
Showing posts from May 29, 2016

Adventure Dispatch x Ty Hathaway @iamspecialized


The Adventure Dispatch: Ultra Romance @iamspecialized


WV Bikecamping Adventure 2016 RECAP #gravelgrinder #bikecamping #coffeeoutside

Leaving Shifflett's Grocery/Bar in Bemis Overview Doug F, Doug M, Bill F, Peter D, Nathan F and I decided to go on an adventure in WV. After months of planning the group expanded and then shrank as reality sunk in and life got in the way. During the trip we would question how many ounces were in a cup, reference Bob's Burger multiple times and thank the fact that cell phone service was non-existent. We also had serendipitous situations and met some of the most friendly and accommodating people along the way. You learn a lot about people when you spend time with them in close quarters and I had a great time with great people I am honored to call my friends. ~ Ray Day ONE [Elkins, WV to Laurel Fork Campground ] It rained off and on during the ride and the uphills and downhills were slippery and rocky. The rough roads tested our packing methods and equipment. My saddle was knocked out of adjustment throughout the ride because the saddle bolt kept backing out. The desce...

How to make a VanMoof SmartBike @VANMOOF #letsride
