The Spherovelo - a revolution balance bike for 1-2 year olds
Meet the newest member of the Early Rider family. It”s the first and only ride on in the world that is able to help young children (ages 1-2) to make the connection between their senses (vision, pressure, equilibrium…) and their motor system. Some might call it balance but it’s really more about the co ordination of our muscles in response to what we see and feel. The reason it’s so important – is that this is the age when we’re first making this connection as well as when we’re most open to experiential learning. The reason is never been achieved before is that it requires a ride on that’s unstable (so the child is required to effect some control – like with a bike) but at the same time safe (unlike a bicycle) and this is the tricky bit. The key is that the product is based upon spheres – it’s based upon the fundamental principle that a ball able to move freely will just relocate, it’s not tippy like a wheel. And so by replacing wheels with a certain arrangement of spheres we’