
Showing posts from January 18, 2009

Map My Ride

Plot your bike rides over mountains (view elevation), through the woods (topo maps), and speeding through the city (street level views) with just a few mouse clicks. Once your cycling map is complete you can quickly view it in 3D, satellite form, or share it with friends. The site is here...

Thursday night ride report

Decided to ride since the weather wasn't too bad. Rode with Morgen up to campus from town. Stopped into the Warhol exhibit. I forgot my key for my lock so I had to borrow a lock from Brett who was heading out to another meeting. I am not a fan of the Wexner facility layout. There is too much artwork jammed into the space. Had dinner and waited for others to show. Brett came back after his meeting so we escorted Morgen back to town via Neil Ave. We stopped to marvel at the new Huntington Park. Continued on into town down to Main. Rode back up north via 4th to Hudson where Brett split off. Stopped at Evan's mad scientist lab until he finished his tests. Rode down High to Tip Top for a beer. While trying to pull my lock out of the mounting bracket ended up bashing my hand against my seat. I think the story I told my wife that someone bit my hand at the bar sounds better. 22 miles total - Temps in the 30's

On Facebook? A cyclist? Offended by driver behavior?

Join the Cyclist Offender Database... This group is a place to put information about motorists and other road users who have threatened, injured, assaulted, hit, insulted, or other-wise aggressively and dangerously interacted with cyclists on the road. Put place of incident, plate numbers, car descriptions, motorist descriptions, and any other information that could result in some justice. Please only post information that can lead somewhere. Not just a comment like, "last night some douche bag honked at me!".

Amsterdam Bicycle Parking Video

Double Dutch Parking from Amsterdamize on Vimeo .

Another Tokyo Bike Parking Video

CyclePods - Cool looking bike storage units

Bike storage, bicycle storage, cycle storage, bike rack, cycle rack, bike stand and cycle stand all have a new name: Cyclepods – award-winning cycle storage designs which are stylish, space-saving, flexible and highly secure. Manufactured from sustainable materials, Cyclepods systems take up to 50% less space than conventional cycle stands – and they look fantastic too. Learn more...

Public Bike System - Montreal

The Public Bike System (PBS) was created to offer an attractive and easy-to-use option for those seeking urban transportation that has less impact on the environment than traditional fuel-powered vehicles, and to act as the perfect complement to public transportation networks. The entire system was designed from a clean sheet, intended to marry the practical with the aesthetic. World-renowned industrial designer Michel Dallaire was entrusted with the design of the physical components. The bikes themselves feature clean lines and a sleek look that in no way compromises their sturdiness and safety. Design elements are carried over to the technical platforms, bike docks and pay stations. All with the intention making the PBS an enhancement to the urban landscape, not an impediment to enjoying it. Innovation is another hallmark of the PBS. It employs cutting-edge technologies to their best advantage: the entire system is solar-powered and uses wireless communication. All the components are...