Lancaster Ride Report
I asked and I received. I sent out an email to ask if anyone was riding on Saturday, and Barb answered by leading the ride from Canal Winchester to Lancaster. It was 46 when I first woke up, and it dropped two degrees before I headed out the door. By the time we started at 8:30AM it was 48 degrees. Four riders, including me braved the cold. We wound our way toward the southeast by winding our way through the backroads. We passed through Amanda. They were having their annual town fair which blocked Main Street. We stopped at a gas station for a snack. The highlight of the ride south was Revenge Road, which has a mile long climb (max 13%) that passed a prison at the peak. We turned down Blue Valley which headed down off the hill toward 33. We crossed 33 into Sugar Grove and were passed by several fire trucks (more on that later). We followed Sugar Road all the way into Lancaster. We were at 43 miles and had only stopped once in Amanda. Lunch stop was at the Four Reasons Deli and ...