
Showing posts from September 9, 2007

Lancaster Ride Report

I asked and I received. I sent out an email to ask if anyone was riding on Saturday, and Barb answered by leading the ride from Canal Winchester to Lancaster. It was 46 when I first woke up, and it dropped two degrees before I headed out the door. By the time we started at 8:30AM it was 48 degrees. Four riders, including me braved the cold. We wound our way toward the southeast by winding our way through the backroads. We passed through Amanda. They were having their annual town fair which blocked Main Street. We stopped at a gas station for a snack. The highlight of the ride south was Revenge Road, which has a mile long climb (max 13%) that passed a prison at the peak. We turned down Blue Valley which headed down off the hill toward 33. We crossed 33 into Sugar Grove and were passed by several fire trucks (more on that later). We followed Sugar Road all the way into Lancaster. We were at 43 miles and had only stopped once in Amanda. Lunch stop was at the Four Reasons Deli and ...

Tara Llanes Website

Kokosing Gap Trail I will provide a ride report next week...

September 10 Ride Report

There were about 50 people. We had a bugle solo during stops. A taco rim after an encounter with a pothole. The resurfacing of North High in the Short North area caused a mishap when one of the riders hit a pile of chewed up ashpalt. She went down in slow motion from my vantage point. Other than that it was uneventful. We rode around southeastern Columbus and ended up in German Village, where we bewildered locals by riding the paths inside Shiller Park several times. Then, it was the sprint to High Beck Tavern. We rode 17 miles, a little shorter than normal.

OSU Back 2 School Commuter Cyclists' Pit Stop

When: Friday September 21 10am - 6pm Where: 15th and High Street More info: (at) Participating groups Commuter Cycling Club @ OSU OSU Cycling Club B1 Bicycles Third Hand Bicycle Co-op Restoration Bicycle City of Columbus & MORPC COBAC / Pedal Instead OSU Police Bug-a-Bike COTA Bike 'n Bus The Piano Peddler - And more... Free tune-ups, lessons, bike registration, info, music and art, sales.

Takes Two to Tandem Rally Sunday September 16 Details

ACB-Ohio Tandem Bike Rally to be held September 16, 2007 Kokosing Gap Trail Mount Vernon, Ohio Sign-In Times: o For 65 mile route—8:00 a.m. o For 30-mile route-9:00 a.m. o For 15 or fewer miles—10:00 a.m. Lunch—11:00—1:00 a.m. at the Shelter House at the trail head Registration includes: Maps, directions, in print and Braille, water, snacks, lunch, free stuff, and chances for door prizes. One registration form per person, please. The American Council of the Blind of Ohio, (ACB-Ohio) is hosting its first annual tandem rally-fundraiser. Visually impaired stokers and sighted captains will have three routes to choose from, 15, 30, and 60 mile-routes, each starting and ending on the beautiful Kokosing Gap Trail. Sighted tandem teams and single bikes are also welcome. The two longer routes will include the gently rolling hills and some more challenging ones through the beautiful Amish countryside, while the 15-mile route will stay on the trail, which is noted as one of the prettiest and m...

Takes Two to Tandem Rally Sunday September 16

Phillips Park Start Point We will meet at Phillips Park, where there is a shelter house and real restrooms. Look for the sign that says ACB-Ohio/Takes Two to Tandem. When you sign in, you will receive a map, a lunch ticket, a ticket for door prizes, and a goody bag. Registration for the 65 mile route starts at 9:00 a.m. For the 30 mile route and the 20 mile route, registration begins at 9:30. Registration will close at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be available starting at 11:00 a.m. at the picnic area on the trail near Howard, ten miles from the start. You will need your ticket to receive a lunch. Door prizes will be drawn at this time. Lunch will close at 1:00, so please plan your rest stops accordingly. Please have your cell phones charged fully and keep them on during the ride, so that if you do not appear back at the lunch stop on time, we can find out where you are. We have no sag for this ride, so please ride in pairs in case of injury or mechanical problems. Use your cell p...

COP 17th Tour of the Hocking Hills

Date: Saturday September 15, 2007 Time: 7:00 am - 9:00 am Location: Circleville, OH Notes: 7-9AM Start. Circleville. 75-100 mile routes. All options are hilly. Tune-up for Columbus Fall Challenge. Budget tour. Jon Schaer 614/447-2200 jschaer (AT)