
Showing posts from December 27, 2015

2015 Recap. So many adventures ~ Ray

North Bend Rail Trail tunnel, May 2015 I have been counting miles for a long time and I still kept track in 2015. But, I focused more on adventures than mileage and will continue to do so in 2016. We did a lot of gravel grinders with lunch and #coffeeoutside. Great year on the bike. Here are some highlights. January HATTARICK 2015 [ Photos ] - continued the tradition February Rode Pisgah gravel for the first time. Didn't realize that I had picked one of the toughest and scenic roads with the Maple Sally route. Lenoir NC [ Photos ] March Carpooled down to Louisville for NAHBS to see all the cool bikes. [ Photos ] Swallow Bicycles 7-Caves Dirty Road Ride [ Photos ] April Jekyll to St. Simon Island GA loop ride [ Photos ] May West Side s24o [ Photos ] Ride the Elevator [ Photos ] North Bend Rail Trail Bike Camping WV [ Photos ] Ride of Silence 2015 [ Photos ] June Acadia ME - Cadillac Mountain Summit [ Photos ] Acadia ME Carriage Trail Ride [ Photos ] July Do

Most Popular Bike Video of 2015? A clown takes a pratfall

Sometimes people's bad behaviors and lack of knowing the rules catch up with them. The driver is now internationally immortalized for his road rage and horrible behavior. Thanks to the brave cyclist for standing his ground. *Warning: foul language*

America’s Cities Are Still Too Afraid to Make Driving Unappealing | New Republic

The morning I wrote this I took public transportation to work. I hopped on the bus around the corner from my house, then the train for a few stops farther. I took mass transit because it was convenient, because my card was already preloaded with the cash that diverts from my paycheck, and because the ride gave me 20 minutes to start the day browsing Twitter. Baked into this decision, however, were a number of other nearly subliminal calculations about the alternatives not taken. I did not drive the car (yes, my household has a car) because downtown Washington, D.C., is a hot mess at rush hour, and because parking near the office costs the equivalent of a fancy hamburger a day. I did not bike because it was snowing. And I did not walk because the distance was too far. My commuting choices—just like everyone’s—are the sum of the advantages of one transportation mode weighed against the downsides of all other options. Or, more succinctly: my feelings about the bus are mediated by

San Francisco to Tijuana @RoadHolland

San Francisco to Tijuana from Road Holland on Vimeo .

Pittsburgh: 'It's Better Than You Thought' @TheAtlantic

See more at The Atlantic

VOTE @ColumbusGov @yaybikes Summit St. project @StreetsblogNet 2015 urban street transformation contest #letsride

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2015, which means we’re about to hand out Streetsies to recognize achievements for walking, biking, and transit in American cities this year. Earlier this month  we asked readers for nominations  for the Best Urban Street Transformation of the year, and here are the standouts from your submissions. It’s a great batch and all of these cities deserve recognition for claiming space from cars and devoting it to people. But only one can win! Your votes will determine who gets the honor. Here is the only nominee you need to worry about -  Columbus: Summit Street Photo: City of Columbus Photo: City of Columbus Summit Street is near Ohio State University’s campus, not far from downtown Columbus. Scott Ulrich, the city’s bicycle planner, writes that the Ohio Department of Transportation was getting ready to resurface the road when the city stepped in. Initial traffic studies and public involvement indicated that these streets had ex

Cycle Adelaide - hardest climbs - Cherryville
