2015 Recap. So many adventures ~ Ray
North Bend Rail Trail tunnel, May 2015 I have been counting miles for a long time and I still kept track in 2015. But, I focused more on adventures than mileage and will continue to do so in 2016. We did a lot of gravel grinders with lunch and #coffeeoutside. Great year on the bike. Here are some highlights. January HATTARICK 2015 [ Photos ] - continued the tradition February Rode Pisgah gravel for the first time. Didn't realize that I had picked one of the toughest and scenic roads with the Maple Sally route. Lenoir NC [ Photos ] March Carpooled down to Louisville for NAHBS to see all the cool bikes. [ Photos ] Swallow Bicycles 7-Caves Dirty Road Ride [ Photos ] April Jekyll to St. Simon Island GA loop ride [ Photos ] May West Side s24o [ Photos ] Ride the Elevator [ Photos ] North Bend Rail Trail Bike Camping WV [ Photos ] Ride of Silence 2015 [ Photos ] June Acadia ME - Cadillac Mountain Summit [ Photos ] Acadia ME Carriage Trail Ride [ Photos ] July Do