
Showing posts from November 14, 2010

Life Across America - Cycling Across America to bring awareness for blood donations


The Cross Canada Project: Documenting a Bicycle Tour Across Canada - Thanks Bill!

The Cross Canada Project: Documenting a Bicycle Tour Across Canada from mike beauchamp on Vimeo .

Surly Pugsley Complete Bike available soon - Just in time for the snow!

The Pugsley frame has horizontal rear dropouts with a derailleur hanger. You can set it up with derailleurs or an internally geared hub, or set it up as a singlespeed or fixed-gear. This isn’t just a nice option. In certain situations, extra weight and the potential for a complex part to fail isn’t just a pain. It can be deadly serious business. The stock fork accepts a 135mm rear mountain hub, just like the frame. This makes it easier to install and remove the wheel (a big tire on a big rim benefits from a wide opening), but more to the point also allows front and rear wheel interchangeability. This means you can have another full gear cluster, a singlespeed or a fixed-gear wheel option should something go wrong with your freehub body or derailleurs. In other words, it’s one more option for getting you back out from whatever situation you’ve gotten yourself into. We have until now offered the Pugsley only as a frameset, but we’re now offering a complete bike option. Like our other co...

The Smartphone Bicycle [via Yanko Design]

Safety protocols say to keep both hands on the handlebars but they also say use hand gestures to signal turn intention. Contradiction! The Ecodrive has integrated lights and turn signals controlled via the handlebars. And no concept is complete without some form of smartphone integration so this little guy has a nice cubby hole for the iPhone. Keeps it charged and in return, the iPhone gives you access to its magical GPS and navigation abilities. It’s animal symbiosis people. [more]


Bicyclist Killed In West Side Hit-Skip; Van Sought - 10TV

COLUMBUS, Ohio  — A man riding a bicycle on the city's west side was killed during a hit-skip crash early Tuesday morning. The man's identity was not released, pending notification of his family. He was struck at about 1 a.m. near the corner of North Hague Avenue and El Paso Drive. more...

Ima Trail Video

LEDwear Aurora LED Jacket

Incredulous - "Driver in fatal Conn. crash sues victim's parents" - Sacramento Bee

By  DAVE COLLINS Associated Press Published: Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010 - 9:46 am Last Modified: Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010 - 10:07 am HARTFORD,  Conn. --  A driver who's serving a manslaughter sentence for striking and killing a 14-year-old boy is suing the victim's parents, blaming them for their son's death because they allowed him to ride his bike in the street without a helmet. Matthew Kenney's parents, Stephen and Joanne, sued 48-year-old driver  David Weaving  shortly after he was sentenced last year to 10 years in prison, accusing him in Waterbury Superior Court of negligence and seeking more than $15,000 in damages. Read more:

Sunday Ride(s) Report - 11142010

So, it was an adventurous Sunday. I started out riding into town only to realize halfway that my trunk bag was open and stuff fell out. Stuff like my house keys and my vest. : ( So I retrace my route home and halfway there I realized my keys have been in my back pocket. : ) I rode 14 miles really fast. Then,  I decided it was best to drive into town to meet Katie and Bethia for our ride. So we rode 14 miles around town stopping at Franklin park for the pizza by Jim Boudros at the outdoor pizza oven. Mmmm. Then back to Vicky village through the Audubon park and up the trail. I drove back the same route I rode earlier and lo and behold I found my jacket by the curb sitting on a sewer grate. Yay! Turned out to be a good day.

Failed Levy Leads To Park Closures -

Posted: 4:56 pm EST November 12, 2010 Updated: 10:55 pm EST November 12, 2010 SPRINGFIELD, Ohio --  Voters rejected a levy on  Election Day , and now some parks and bike paths in Clark County will close. The announcement was made Friday during a special meeting held at the Clark County Park District. Four properties that are maintained by the Clark County Park District will close on Nov. 18. Park officials said they do not have all the answers, but their No. 1 priority is to protect their assets. To do that, the president of the park district said closed signs will be placed at George Rogers Clark Park and the Estel Winrick Wetlands. They will also put signs up at the Little Miami Scenic Trail and the Prairie Gross Trail.  read more... Editor's note: What does this really mean? Cyclists will not be able to ride the entire Little Miami Scenic Trail or Prairie Grass Trail. Depending on how they are "closed" cyclists and walkers will need to find alternate routes arou...

Bike the C-Bus Silent Auction is Live!

Bike the C-Bus 2010 Silent Auction is live! Get cool stuff for a good price and support the Faith Mission! Auction will be active until November 30, 2010. Check it out here...