Had an opportunity to explore San Fransisco by bike yesterday. I am visiting my mother-in-law for a week. She lives in Alameda, CA. SF is a touristy kind of place, so it was no trouble finding a bike-rental shop. It is Fall-like weather here. Even though it is August, cloud cover/fog comes in from the Pacific every afternoon. Temperatures range from mid 50's and never get out of the 60's. I packed all my bike clothing in my messenger bag and caught the BART into SF. Got off at Embarcadero Station and then took the F Line Trolley to get up to 1095 Columbus where there was a bike rental shop. San Fransisco's transportation system is rather amazing. You have subways, then you have "muni's," the electrified city bus system, then on top of that you have trolley cars. Then, of course, if you really want to, you can bring your 3,000lb automobile into the place. But why would you want to? Practically every street has bike lanes or sharrows. What's with Columbus? ...