
Showing posts from August 24, 2008

Millersport Corn Festival Ride Report

72 Miles Hotter than hell 15.1mpg average Five riders in our group It was a little warm when we started at 9:00am. We started out late because of some snafus (forgotten front tire, sleeping in because of previous nights escapades). There are three routes covering 30, 50 and 70. We chose 70. The first part of the ride is relatively flat. After the split to the 70 mile route it turns hilly. Maximum percent grade on the climb was 13 percent. We climbed 3350 feet. It is continuous rollers until you reach the point where the routes merge again. I want to thank the Ortman family for reopening their rest stop for us. We were running late and they had just put away the drinks and food. One little short steep climb and mostly downhill to the lake. We ate steak sandwiches (OK), corn (very good) and lemonade (refreshing). Observation: For some reason I looked down at my odometer at 6.66 and 66.6 miles. Very weird. Did I say it was hotter than hell? Topped out at 94 degrees and there is ...

From the Dispatch - Bicyclist's death is a call for awareness

BY ANN FISHER Tracey Corbin couldn't afford to maintain the car he needed to commute to work, let alone buy the gasoline. So he bought a bike and outfitted himself as if he were the poster child for the pedal-to-work movement. More...

Corking - from the Wiki

Do you notice how "corking" is depicted in the Critical Mass doc? It looks a little different than what I have seen from rides around Columbus. Maybe bicyclists don't know how to cork... Hmmmm. Corking Because Critical Mass takes place without an official route or sanction, participants practice a tactic known as "corking" in order to maintain the cohesion of the group. This tactic consists of a few riders blocking traffic from side roads so that the mass can freely proceed through red lights without interruption. Corking allows the mass to engage in a variety of activities, such as forming a cyclone, lifting their bikes in a tradition known as a "Bike Lift" (in Chicago this is referred to as a Chicago hold-up), or to perform a "die-in" where riders lie on the ground with their bikes to symbolise cyclist deaths and injuries caused by automobiles, very popular in Montreal. The 'Corks' sometimes take advantage of their time corking to d...

Biking Etiquette and the MNR

There seems to be a lively debate over biking etiquette, the MNR and respect for bicyclists in general. Two Wheeling blog has a discussion on corking and the MNR. I believe there is a thread on Consider Biking as well. I think it is good for people to verbally spar over their convictions/beliefs. Healthy dialogue is good. Where I stand nobody knows... except for myself, of course. Started here... Here is Douglas Morgan's blog... Jamie Fellrath has posted a response/comments to Douglas Morgan's original post. Here is his blog... Continuing debate here... Consider Biking thread

Millersport Corn Festival Ride Saturday Aug 30 Carroll, Ohio

Dont forget about the Millersport Corn Festival Ride leaving from Bloom Carroll High School. Al Moore will be there at 8 am for those that want to start early or do the longer route. The route is marked with white corn this year. (Yellow paint is more expensive). Maps will be provided. There will be a lady selling drinks and snacks around the 20 mile mark at the top of a hill on Woolard Road. It's about 35 miles to the festival. There aren't any porta-johns at the school so you will have to go to the McDonalds on 33 before you get to the school. Brin gmoney for corn and other treats. There are 30, 50 and 75 mile loops. Enjoy Janice (JET) Thomas 614-837-1873 editors note: I rode this last year with my friend Kevin from Wheeling. It is a great ride. Millersport is on the southern shore of Buckeye Lake.

Wiki Wiki - What can you tell us?

Since we all as cyclists experience this at one time or another, here is how Wiki says to treat road rash. How to treat road rash... via Wiki.

Live in Columbus and looking for a bike commute partner?

MORPC's RideSolutions Assists Cyclists Looking for a bike buddy for the work commute? It can often be safer to ride as a pair, and it’s more fun. MORPC’s RideSolutions can match you with another cyclist in your area for the work commute. Apply online for a list of cyclists who live and work near you. Or call 1-888-742-RIDE. go here...

Sampson Stratics - the other component group

SAMPSON COMPONENTS 2008 Sampson has been one of the most innovative component manufacturers in the world for over 20 years! Sampson is now pleased to provide you with an amazing array of top level groups comprised of components that are second to none. Our new TT equipment will enable you to ride with the top pros-as they are switching over to them too! The site is here...

Bike the C-Bus feedback

We are looking for feedback so that we can improve the experience for 2009. I have setup a separate blog to leave comments. Click here to comment.

Specialized Bicycle Demo Days

I got the chance to ride (and crash) a $5500 Specialized Tricross S-Works on the Alum Creek trails yesterday. On short notice I drove up to check out what Specialized has to offer. Full carbon frame and it has the new SRAM double-tap system. It took me a few minutes to acclimate to the shifting. They threw on some Crank Brothers pedals for me and let me borrow a helmet and off I went. I think I only rode into the trail a mile or so and on the way back hit some rocks, tried to clip out and went down. The bike it very stiff and as Matt from BikeSource in Clintonville said, "Dude, you should have ridden the $8,000 full suspension mountain bike," and I agree. I am sure it was more forgiving.

Walker Evans coverage of Bike the C-Bus

Walker took some photos and video of Bike the C-Bus. Here it is... Thanks for the coverage...

Buckeye Cycling Club

I raced in the Cat5 open class and talked with Willis Brown, whom I met at Urban Spirit Coffee Shop several times, about the Buckeye Cycling Club. They are looking for cyclists interested in racing to stop by and talk to them about their club. The website is here...

Road Racing Season is almost over - Long Live Cyclocross

The 2008 Cyclocross season is starting up next month. I met some racers at the Long Street Tour who race in the cyclocross series put on by Cap City Cross. Their website is here...

Long Street Tour Racing

I tried my hand at racing in the Cat 5 Open Class on Saturday afternoon. Too little sleep and the heat took its toll on me. Plus, I stood around all day helping with the Bike the C-Bus ride. I was pulled from the field around lap 8 or 9. I averaged 21mph over 6.5 miles. My friend, Evan Woletzko, finished 3rd. They had to be averaging 25+ mph. Highlight - Early on one of the riders from UC hit the curb, shot over the lane, slammed into another rider and went down.

Sunday Night Ladies Ride

Check out the site for ride reports and other information Site is here...