We are in the process of organizing a tour of Columbus for September. It is tentatively called Ride the C-Bus. The website is www.ridethecbus.com GITAP - Grand Illinois Trail and Parks The BON TON ROULET or “Let The Good Times Roll,” celebrates its eleventh seven-day voyage throughout the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of New York State by bicycle. A non-competitive cycling adventure, The Bon Ton Roulet will challenge riders of all ages and abilities. And when you’re done, expect exciting new friendships, a wealth of visual memories, and a great sense of accomplishment! From Columbus Outdoor Pursuits 36TH WOODSTOCK • Saturday, April 12 7:30-9AM. Jersey Baptist Church, 13260 Morse Road, Pataskala, 9 miles east of I-270 at Harrison Road. Parking and registration in back lot. Traditional first TOSRV training ride. 100/50/30 miles on relatively flat terrain. Columbus Outdoor Pursuits Budget Tour. $2 members, $4 non-members. Tricia Kovacs 614/476-9093. 41ST SPOT • Saturday, April 19 7:30-9AM...