Dictionary of Bike Commuter Slang | Bike Hacks

Like the proverbial flowers that bloom in the spring or bleary eyed animals emerging from a long winter of hibernation, the recent uptick in temperatures in NYC has brought out the hibernating bike commuters. As tulip bulbs crack the top layer of soil and spring to life, bicycles relegated to storage closets or storage racks have been dusted off, tires pumped up (in most cases), and my once sparsely populated bike path to work has sprouted a menagerie of cyclists. So much for the days of sub zero temps and a bike path shared by the few deranged year round commuters. This increase in the riders I am now encountering reminds me of a Bike Hacks Classic entry . . . This dictionary started in my mind while commuting and seeing some of the same riders day after day. I began to give them names in my head and thought to myself, "Why not create a dictionary of bike commuter slang?" I certainly welcome others to make suggestions over time - this is by no means the...