
Showing posts from August 8, 2010

Old Pastime Could Result in New Economic Growth -

TRENDSPOTTING  — BY  MELANIE MCINTYRE  ON AUGUST 13, 2010 AT 9:00 AM  Central Ohioans, like many people across the country, have rediscovered bicycling in recent years. Predictably, the trend has kept owners of existing bike shops in demand, but it also has created new opportunities for enterprising entrepreneurs and could even impact companies outside the biking industry, resulting in even greater regional economic growth. Locally, it’s not hard to find “young” bike shop success stories.  Paradise Garage  is moving three doors down from its current location to a space with 2,700 additional square feet,  B1 Bicycles celebrated its third anniversary the last week of July, and  roll:  just opened a third location −in Upper Arlington− in May. continue at  themetropreneur site...

Tuesday Night Ride Recap - 08/10/10

Highlights 20 riders 22 miles 670 Trail to Alum Creek Trail Bexley/Berwick Lustron Home (one of the last with original siding) Alum Creek Trail Williams • Lockbourne • Parsons Hal and Al's for food and drink

Google Leads, You Pedal - NY Times

I HAD the route mapped out in my mind. I would bike from the Lower East Side of Manhattan, hit the taco trucks along the ball fields of Red Hook, Brooklyn, cruise through Prospect Park over to Brighton Beach for a quick dip, then hypotenuse it back to a bar in Williamsburg to watch the World Cup finals. Out of curiosity, I consulted  Google Maps’s new bike software on my computer, to see if its brainy algorithm would match my battle-tested sense of directions. It did, for the most part, but for a few snags: It sent me the wrong way on Smith Street in Brooklyn, then diverted me away from Prospect Park — the borough’s best piece of biking real estate — and on the way back, like an overprotective concierge, it steered me away from the rough parts of Bedford Stuyvesant (normally I would have just bombed up Bedford Avenue). continue

Community house lends bikes for children's summer fun - Dispatch

Wednesday, August 11, 2010   02:53 AM BY  RITA PRICE THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH ERIC ALBRECHT | DISPATCH Michelle Mills of the St. Stephen's Community House leads a bike ride for children on the Alum Creek Trail. Children used loaner bikes from the agency as well as their own. St. Stephen's has about 40 bikes available to lend to residents. ERIC ALBRECHT | DISPATCH Bikes in the loan program have their own license plate signifying they are from St. Stephen's Community House. The program began this summer to promote exercise. The kids don't know about the naysayers, and the grownups who matter didn't listen. Proof that an urban bike-loan program can work just fine pedaled along the Alum Creek Trail yesterday, all sweaty and giggly and determined. "It's not too hot," 9-year-old Shanise Collins said. "It's fun." St. Stephen's Community House started lending bicycles at no charge this summer as a way to promote exercise among children who live...

Bike Polo schedule for Columbus Ohio

Polo happens Tuesday nights at 9:30pm at Lane and High at the roller hockey court visible from high street on Curl Drive and most Saturdays at 5 at Tuttle Park.

Green Bike Program in Clintonville!

Green Bike Program Information Check-Out:  Bicycles may be borrowed, at no cost, from the front desk of the Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center (CRC) on 14 West Lakeview Avenue in Columbus, Ohio. Bikes may be borrowed for a maximum of three (3) days and are available for check-out during CRC’s business hours. When checking-out a bike, you will be given a helmet and the key for the bike’s lock— a helmet must be worn at all times when operating the bicycle  and the lock must always be used when leaving the bike unattended. Check-In:  You may return the bike (with helmet, lock, & keys) during any of CRC’s business hours (posted on the front door), with the exception of Sundays, and you must return the bike within three days of checking it out. Website !

Bike the C-Bus 2010 registration options

Ride Fee : $25 includes Long Street Tour/Bike the C-Bus T-Shirt, lunch, wristband and food and drink at stops.  There are four Bike the C-Bus Registration options: 1.  Register online and use PayPal to pay the fees.   You may pay by credit card even if you are not a PayPal member. If you register online, you will receive an email confirmation that is your receipt. Please be sure to bring your receipt with you to the event to pick up your t-shirt and sponsor bag. 2.  Download and print the Bike the C-Bus 2010 PDF Entry Form.  Fill out the form and send it in along with your check. Be certain to fill out the form completely, making sure to sign and date it. Note that a parent or guardian must sign for entrants under 18. Mail to: 2010 Long Street Tour c/o LSBA, 823 1/2 East Long Street, Suite 200, and Columbus, Ohio 43203. Make all checks payable to: LSBA, Inc 3.  Day before the ride registration.  Register at the Lincoln Theatre starting at 6:30pm on Fri...

23rd Ridge Runner Ramble - Saturday August 14, 2010

Date:   Saturday August 14, 2010 Time:   7:00 am - 9:00 am Notes:   23rd Ridge Runner Ramble - Budget Tour Saturday, August 14th New Albany Elementary School, 87 N. High Street, New Albany. Roads will be marked and maps provided. Short route has three hills; longer routes have many more. Ride the ridges on routes of 31/52/85/100 miles. Budget Tour. $2 member, $4 non-member. Joanna Pallos jootbuck AT  614-868-6875 Tom and Debbie Davis bikeus700x23 AT  614-296-9981 Mark Curtner mcurtner AT

Ride for Pete's Sake! - FROM THE MAILBAG

Ride for Pete's Sake! Ride Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010 (no rain date) Location: Hilliard Heritage Middle School, 5670 Scioto Darby Road, in Hilliard Ohio --- Map >> Check-in Time: 7:15 - 9:00 a.m. Ride: The ride will include marked routes for all ability levels Choice of routes: ride 7, 18, 35, 48, 62, 80, or 100 miles. All routes include stops with food and water. S.A.G. support along the route Prizes: Door Prizes and more! Schedule of Events >> Goal: Raise funds for Cerebral Palsy research We did this ride last year and it was a really great.  Not only is the cause fantastic -- at the end of the ride last year, we passed by a mom on the back end of a special tandem-type bike with her kid with cerebral palsy in a special seat up front, the amount of support for CP was pretty amazing!!!  On top of all that, they have supported stops along the route and there was also a BBQ going on at th...

Optimizing Your Tire Pressure for Your Weight - Bicycle Quarterly

Inflating your tires to achieve 15% tire drop will optimize your bicycle’s performance, comfort and handling. Our tests of tire resistance have shown that tire resistance is high at very low pres- sures. As pressures increase, tires roll faster, but the performance levels off at a certain pressure. Beyond this point, higher inflation brings only negligible performance improvements. 1 The PDF is here Interactive calculator here

Ride to Sunbury Report 08082010

Highlights 56 miles 15mph average Beautiful sunny skies with low humidity Rode past Hoover Reservoir Lunch at Sunbury Grille

Ride the Darby 2010 Ride report

Highlights 47 miles (thought we were doing the 50 mile route) 16.7mph average Weather was beautiful Route followed the Darby watershed Passed one of the last two original White Castle enameled steel buildin gs now relocated to Orient OH.