Old Pastime Could Result in New Economic Growth - themetropreneur.com
TRENDSPOTTING — BY MELANIE MCINTYRE ON AUGUST 13, 2010 AT 9:00 AM Central Ohioans, like many people across the country, have rediscovered bicycling in recent years. Predictably, the trend has kept owners of existing bike shops in demand, but it also has created new opportunities for enterprising entrepreneurs and could even impact companies outside the biking industry, resulting in even greater regional economic growth. Locally, it’s not hard to find “young” bike shop success stories. Paradise Garage is moving three doors down from its current location to a space with 2,700 additional square feet, B1 Bicycles celebrated its third anniversary the last week of July, and roll: just opened a third location −in Upper Arlington− in May. continue at themetropreneur site...