
Showing posts from September 7, 2008

WAD Third Thursday Route Ride Report

Brett and I rode the Third Thursday route to time out the stops. The route will start in Westerville and head west on Schrock Road and then on side roads make it's way down to the Olentangy River Trail. The route will have stops at several parks heading south, picking up commuters along the way. The route ends in the Arena District if you work there, or continues on the trail south to other parts of town. The route itself is about 20 miles. Route is available here along with more details. Our ride was 38.5 miles. We averaged 15.3mph. It was warm and we had a little rain.

Quote of the Day - "The strippers got 6 feet"

Read the story and you will understand why. COMMENTARY Bicyclists should do their part for safety Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:17 AM BY ANN FISHER It's hard to blame the drivers along Alum Creek Drive south of Watkins Road, where bicyclist Tracey Corbin was killed three weeks ago on his way to work. The rest of the story...

From the Dispatch - New volley in bike-path dispute

Homeowners sue county over its suit to settle ownership Tuesday, September 9, 2008 2:57 AM BY JOSH JARMAN THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH NEWARK, Ohio -- Licking County property owners along a proposed bike path have filed a countersuit against the county for getting involved in a conflict between them and a local foundation over who owns the property. The county sued last month to force the sides to resolve ownership. more...

Graffiti! Art!

Banksy is well known around the world for his graffiti. When you bike around town you get to see a lot of graffiti that you wouldn't normally see in a car. I guess it also depends on where you ride. Suburbs = no graffiti. Urban ride = graffiti. Banksy's site... When I was traveling in Amsterdam and Oxford I took some pics of graffiti.

From VeloNews: Lance Armstrong returns to professional racing

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon and in an article published on, Lance Armstrong confirmed's Monday report that he will return to professional road racing in 2009, including making a run at winning an eighth Tour de France. more...

09/08/08 Ride Report

Here is what I can remember of the route. Maybe I should start GPS mapping it! Headed south on High, 11th, 12th, Cannon Dr past the Shoe. Woody Hayes, Kenny. 5th or 3rd (Can't remember), possibly Perry, Ingleside, Buttles, Thurber, Dennison, Buttles, Park, Goodale, High, Nationwide, Cleveland, Gay, 3rd, Schiller Park Stop, after that we rode around southeast of the park and swung back around on Champion and Frebis and ultimately ended at the High Beck. 17 miles roughly. Good ride. 2 wrecks - We had a man down on Thurber and a BMX down on Gay The rent a cops at Schiller Park called in the regulars to tell us we had to leave. : ( It was nice seeing/talking to people I haven't seen in a while. Or stopped to talk to. Oh... and there was a Ford sighting.

New Bike the C-Bus photos added

I want to thank the folks at OTENA for sending over photos of our event. They snapped some shots from their rest stop. The link...

33RD COLUMBUS FALL CHALLENGE • Saturday and Sunday, September 27 & 28

Sugar Grove to Marietta and return, same route as last year. Full service tour, pre-registration required. The application is available on the COP web site. Two days of climbing through the most scenic part of the state. Ride 100+ tough miles and 8-10,000 ft. of climb each day. Rider limit is 500. Eve Holland bike2live(at) 614/326-0435 More info here... Deadlines loom....................... COP Members (postmarked on or before 9/13/08) $45.00 Non-COP Members (postmarked on or before 9/13/08) $50.00 All Registrants (postmarked after 9/13/08) $55.00 Day of Ride (limited to first 25 registrants) $65.00

COP 18th Tour of Hocking Hills

Date: Saturday September 13, 2008 Time: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 3 days, 4 minutes. Location: Circleville City State Zip: Circleville, OH Phone: Jon Schaer 614/447-2200 jschaer(at) Notes: Registration/Sign-up: 7:30-9AM. 75-100 mile routes. All options are hilly. Tune-up for Columbus Fall Challenge. Budget Tour. $2 members, $4 non-members.

09/07/08 Rural Night Ride Report

Planned on doing a longer ride loop upwards of 50 miles to get some training in for CFC, but only a few people showed up to ride. And we decided a longer ride was not really what we were in the mood to do. So on to plan B. We rode a fast 26 mile loop up through New Albany and out past the new 161 highway construction and back to my house. Cooled off as we went into the countryside. 26 miles. Averaged 17.3mph. Clear night and the stars were out. And I'm not talking about us. There were some complaints of a semi-naked man in red cycling shorts scaring the natives out on Central College. Jonny doesn't know what you are talking about though.

Want to make Global Warming an Issue in the Presidential Election?

Community Kick-Off Meeting Sunday, September 14th, 2008 at 1:30pm Columbus Main Library 3rd Floor Board Room Contact: for more info Sign up to make change. As with any organization I recommend reading their literature and making sure their positions and ideals align with yours. More info here...

Team Columbus Suspended from USA Cycling - From 39x23 and counting blog

Here is the meat of the story September 6, 2008 Mr. Tym Tyler On February 25th you were served with a notice of complaint regarding multiple violations of USA Cycling rules and policies. Due to the long time frame and nature of extensive issues raised, the investigation took considerable time. Mr. Shafer has provided us with his complete investigation and recommendations, a copy of which is included for your reference. In the original complaint, you were given until March 4th to request a hearing. That date has long since passed without a formal response or a request for a hearing. In such cases, the CEO of USA Cycling renders the final decision after receiving the investigation report. It is the decision of USA Cycling that the following sanctions will be applied: · Your USA Cycling license shall be suspended for a period of 2 years, beginning September 15th, 2008 and ending September 14th , 2010. · Team Columbus shall be suspended as a club for a period of 1 year, beginning September...