Lance Armstrong's legacy may withstand accusations [CNN]
The 84 million bright yellow wristbands distributed by Lance Armstrong's cancer charity have become a well-known symbol of strength and perseverance against adversity. "LIVESTRONG," they urge. In the wake of Wednesday's release of hundreds of pages of evidence supporting persistent allegations of doping against the legendary cyclist, there's another take on the wristband. Critics have struck out the "V" to make it read what they accuse Armstrong of doing for more than a decade: "LIE STRONG." Still, the flood of less-than-flattering details doesn't seem to be shaking the resolve of fans accustomed to accusations that have swirled for more than a decade, accusations the seven-time winner of cycling's most prestigious event -- the Tour de France -- has resolutely denied. The information released Wednesday by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency is part of a report to international cycling officials supporting the organization'...