Thursday, May 7, 2009 3:11 AM BY AMY SAUNDERS THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH During the weekend Tour of the Scioto River Valley, a Dublin family will pedal in unison on the 210-mile cycling trip. The Ruffs have an unusual bike that seats four -- Adele, 46; Greg, 42; Griffin, 14; and Grant, 10 -- and pulls a buggy carrying 6-year-old Toni, who's a little too short to reach the pedals. In riding "Quadzilla" from Downtown to Portsmouth on Saturday, then back to Columbus on Sunday, the family affords itself a rare bonding opportunity. The story... We met the Ruffhouse on the way back to Columbus last year. First at a rest stop and then when they had a mechanical. Very cool family. Hope to see them out this year on TOSRV....