
Showing posts from May 3, 2009

TOSRV Weekend

Enough said....

Dublin family all geared up for annual bicycle trip - Dispatch

Thursday, May 7, 2009 3:11 AM BY AMY SAUNDERS THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH During the weekend Tour of the Scioto River Valley, a Dublin family will pedal in unison on the 210-mile cycling trip. The Ruffs have an unusual bike that seats four -- Adele, 46; Greg, 42; Griffin, 14; and Grant, 10 -- and pulls a buggy carrying 6-year-old Toni, who's a little too short to reach the pedals. In riding "Quadzilla" from Downtown to Portsmouth on Saturday, then back to Columbus on Sunday, the family affords itself a rare bonding opportunity. The story... We met the Ruffhouse on the way back to Columbus last year. First at a rest stop and then when they had a mechanical. Very cool family. Hope to see them out this year on TOSRV....

Bike to Work Week Update

Congratulations! We have just surpassed the total mileage for last year's Bike to Work Week. You have cycled over 11,000 miles in just 2 and a half days - a true accomplishment for Central Ohio cycling community. We held two workshops this week: Vehicular Cycling with Tricia Kovacs and Bicycling and the Law with Tim Boone. Specials thanks to both of them for contributing their time and expertise. News! Columbus has just been named a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Tricia Kovacs has been coordinating this effort for over a year and worked with many, many volunteers. We are very lucky to have Tricia in our community and the Bike to Work Week committee would like to extend our thanks to her for her hard work in making Columbus a great place to cycle. Go Tricia! Please visit our Bicycle Friendly Businesses page to get discounts on food, coffee, bike gear and more.

Tuesday Night Ride Recap - 5/5/09

Met up with Brett for a quick ride around town. Lots of spandex : ) It was so beautiful out last night. Nice temps and clear skies. We rode from Linden area up Karl Rd to Shrock to the Westerville trail. Did about half the trail and then headed south. Did Cleveland all the way back to Linden. There is a pothole on Cleveland that is so big it has it's own cheering section. I think someone will get killed hitting that one of these days. 23.5 miles, averaged 16.1mph.

5/04/2009 - Ride Report

A tale of two rides, or Why I decided to ride alone.... We started late and headed down High. Crowd was probably 40-50 strong. When we got around 11th a car zipped up and came pretty close to riders staddling the line on the left lane. People got belligerent at the next light. I heard something hit the metal of the car as well. So I decided to ride on my own. I continued south on High and turned east on 5th. I did my good deed for the day when I stopped on 5th to help a guy push his car off the road because it stalled. Rode 5th to Hamilton. Did the loop through the airport. Rode the rollercoaster. Headed back into town on Airport road and then 670 path to Cleveland. Wound my way back to High Beck. 23 miles, averaged 16mph. Good ride for me. Don't know what happened to the rest of the riders.

Airport Rollercoaster Ride

Delicious Mixtures Frame Painting

Delicious Mixtures 614-223-0272 ( this is also seagull bags number as well) Rory Taylor

From the Mailbag: Metroparks levy means trail updates

I hope you'll vote tomorrow and vote yes for the Metroparks levy. The levy will fund maintenance and development of the trail system. Also, Metroparks is planning to take over maintenance of all Columbus trails, which will counteract the city's budget problems which may limit that maintenance. Also, Metroparks is planning to open three new parks: along Rocky Fork Creek near New Albany, along Little Walnut Creek near Canal and along the Scioto River in Grove City. The latest parkscope has a good summary of the levy and the Metroparks home page has an FAQ. ">

Top of Ohio 09 Ride Recap

A beautiful day to be on the bike... It was a little cool at the start, mid-50's and overcast. We decided to ride the Top 60 ride which starts in Milford Center. Ride is relatively flat to start, then they throw the hills at ya. We climbed 2600 feet over 60 miles and averaged 15mph. Last year on Corkscrew Hill we had a mechanical which ended the ride. We could have finished it if we would have pushed the bike to the top of the hill and continued on. Very flat after that hill.

East End Brewery - Pedal Pale Ale Keg Ride - May 15th

GOT A BIKE? WANNA GO GET A BEER? I'M BUYING! It's almost time for my most favorite-est GOOD BEER Event of the year - our annual PEDAL PALE ALE Keg Ride. With the shockingly stellar performance of last year's keg trailer, a whole new range of possible destinations opens up for this year's ride, so expect an even BIGGER and BETTER Keg Ride than last year! If you're still pretty new around here and have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the story... Every year in late Spring/early Summer, we gear up (ouch!) to release the very first keg of our Summer Seasonal Beer, Pedal Pale Ale at a local tap spot. But what makes this debut so special is that it's location is kept secret until a few minutes before the keg is tapped. Oh, and I should also mention that the 165lb half barrel will bedelivered by bicycle, by me, with lots of moral support from all of you of course. Actually, last year I pulled a half, and had some help from Seth on that backup quarter bar...