Saturday, May 17, 9AM - 2PM Saturday, May 24, 9AM - 2PM Saturday, May 31, 9AM - 2PM (3 sessions, 15 hrs total. Half with bike & on bike.) Class taught in Clintonville: 118 East Pacemont Road $60 This is an "Essentials of Bicycling" class for those who want to improve their cycling know-how. Reasons can include: cycling out of your driveway to go anywhere in your neighborhood and around town, cycling for pleasure, cycling for fitness, and cycling to do local errands. This class is designed to help you get "up to speed" cycling with more confidence and more fun. Topics covered include: bicycle selection and fit, helmet fit, bike handling skills, how to fix a flat tire, emergency maneuvers, practice cycling in traffic, group riding skills, clothes, nutrition, etc. This is an adult class, ages 16 and up. (Ages 13-15 may enroll if a parent or guardian is also enrolled in the same class.) Gordon Renkes, Instructor If you want a registration form or more information, c