
Showing posts from November 25, 2007

Bikin Bob Winter Century Series Ride Wrapup

One word. COLD. I decided to ride the 48 mile route. The ride was supposed to start at at 8AM. At 7:30AM it was 24 degrees outside. We held off going outside until 8:45AM. It was still under 30 degrees. We got to the start around 9:10AM and Bob and a few brave souls had already left. We got started around 9:30AM. There was a headwind. And it was COLD. My face and fingers were frozen solid. We kept moving and started to warm up. I think the whole "sit on the couch and eat in preparation for hibernation" is detrimental to physical conditioning. We rode east, then south and ended up in Lancaster. We rode threw the northwest corner and proceeded to head south east. After we left town we headed out Duffy. We rode several miles and I had a catastrophic shotgun sounding blowout that blew the rear tire off the rim. After two failed attempts to pump up the tire withe Co2 and the pump, I succeeded with the third and final CO2. So after standing around for 20 minutes freez...

Dirty Dozen 2007 News

Photos News More videos

Bicycles with sick soundsystems

In today's NYT, a feature (with lots of great photos) about folks who build elaborate stereo soundsystems for their bicycles. It's not a new phenomenon, but it's neat to see it treated with such formal examination. Link , and pix here shot for the Times by Tyler Hicks. Thanks Jim for finding this story!

Winter Century Series from Bikin' Bob Continues

Bob is organizing another ride this Saturday. Distances range from 48 - 100. I am considering the 48. More info...

Single Speed Coastie Thoughts

I was given a old Nishiki bike recently. I want to rebuild it as a single speed coastie. Any thoughts on parts?