Bike trips across Ohio built for two | Dispatch
Soybean rows line both sides of the road, with a forested line of hills to the left. At midmorning on a Saturday, a slight breeze rustles the tall weeds in the ditches — and the bicycling feels good again. My husband, Joe, and I flirt with the improbable conclusion that we stayed in shape during the winter. We’re training for Pelotonia, the summer bike tour that raises money for cancer research. We’re of a certain age, the age at which we refer to ourselves as being of a certain age, and we need to train for almost everything we do. These hills make a good start. On our two bicycles, we form a unit of sorts. We always ride single file — Joe in front and me behind. Joe has a great sense of direction, so he leads and I follow, with a small blinking “ taillight” attached to a vent in my helmet. He has the rain jackets in his larger bike bag, and I keep the cellphone and glasses cleaner in my jersey pockets. He carries the bike pump, and...