
Showing posts from April 22, 2012

7 Reasons Not To Own A Car [Huff Post]

Margaret Thatcher earned the undying enmity of the world's transit users when she said (in her sexist and condescending way), that any "man who, beyond the age of twenty-six, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure." Following the former Prime Minister's calculus, that makes me a loser of almost two decades' standing. But I'm not afraid to admit it: I ride the bus. What's more, I frequently find myself on subways, streetcars, light rail, metros, and high-speed trains. I've never owned an automobile, and though I'm no anti-car zealot (I belong to my city's car share program, and dutifully pay to renew my license every year) I'm proud to call myself a straphanger: somebody who relies on public transit for most of his or her urban travel. I'm not alone. Half the population of New York, Toronto, and London do not own cars, and transit is how most of the people of Asia and Africa, the world's most populous contine...

For Sale: 2003 Jamis Eclipse steel frame 57cm

For Sale: 2003 Jamis Eclipse steel frame 57cm. Carbon front fork and Shimano Ultegra brakes also included. Frame and all parts have less then 200 miles on them. $350.00. Contact

Respect The BIke report from The Great Lakes Courier

Respect The BIke Respect the Bike--created by Blazing Saddle Cycles, Travis Peebles, and James Rychak--was the final destination for April Critical Mass, and drew hundreds of cyclists to the Greenhouse Tavern for an exhibit of historic and current, Ohio-built bicycles. Plus, there was beer and great music. And did we mention that the Great Lakes Courier made its print debut? [See more photos at The Great Lakes Courier]  Graham Veysey and David Jurca peruse the first issue of the Great Lakes Courier at Respect the Bike Alex Nosse of Joy Machines Bike Shop arrived in styl Graphic artist Amy Dwyer-Peck and artist Bob Peck

Barriers rethought after fatal bicycling accident []

MANSFIELD - Bicyclists have safety concerns regarding the metal posts known as bollards used to keep motor vehicles off of the Richland B&O Trail. A 53-year-old man died Wednesday from injuries received in a bicycle accident Tuesday evening on the trail. The experienced cyclist, Giuseppe Maino, hit a barrier in Bellville. Steve McKee, director of the Richland County Park District that oversees the bike trail, said the bollards have caused accidents in the past. "It wasn't really on the horizon until this accident," McKee said of the bollards. "We've had a few people with scrapes in the past. This is going to make us take a serious look.'' Maino was a contractor at the 179th Airlift Wing of the Ohio National Guard base in Mansfield. He died at 1:10 a.m. Wednesday at MedCentral/Mansfield Hospital, said Richland County Coroner's Investigator Bob Ball. [Keep reading at]

Lovely Bicycle Blog

Cycling in Lower Manhattan I am in New York City for a few days, with all sorts of nice cycling people who have gathered here for the  New Amsterdam Show  this weekend and the Bobbin Bicycles/ Adeline Adeline party last night. One of the first familiar faces I encountered was the beautiful Julie, of the  Julie blog . This lady works in the fashion industry and rides all over the city on her white and pink Linus loop frame named Kate Middleton... which I think speaks for itself: Cycling in New York has certainly become more accessible over the past few years. On my way down here on the train I realised that I had not been to the city since maybe 2008 - which is almost 4 years ago now. I have to confess that I don't love New York. It's not that I hate it. I just fail to see the magic and romance in it that everyone gushes about. Maybe it's because my family briefly lived in Washington Heights at a time when it was anything but romantic and my impressions are f...


Jeff Stephens Leaving Consider Biking

Columbus, Ohio – April 23, 2012 - Consider Biking Executive Director, Jeff Stephens, has announced his resignation from thebicycle advocacy organization effective May 11th. Stephens has accepted a Government Relations position with a national voluntary health organization. Editor's note: We wish Jeff the best in his new endeavor. 

Formigli Florentia - great looking women's bike

Let us design you perfectly fit bike. Click here   and send your request for a free frame build.    View making of first Amy Munro Florentia See Florentia in  Velo News See Florentia in  Brooks Saddles Bikes of Distinction  Florentia is the ancient name of what today is known as Firenze, Florence. Florentia means blooming. This name was given to the Lily opening its petals, that is the symbol of Florence. The coat of arms of Formigli, our family, is the only coat of arms of noble Florentine families, that carries the lily of Florence. Renzo Formigli only has one bicycle in his quiver and its steel.  For many Italians, steel is the only material a true bicycle is made out of.   Florentia's classic design is sexy, its retro, its timeless. Choosing a steel frame is like having the perfect black dress, it will never go out of style. Specs  FRAME CrMo4 Steel tubeset Steel drop outs FORK CrMo4 Steel HEADSET...

Mapping Abandoned Bikes in NYC [Transportation Nation]

Bike carcasses are a common site around New York City — a dented frame chained to a street sign, wheels pilfered, seat long ago appropriated, rusted chain and remnants blighting even the swankiest of sidewalks like a broken window. What’s a citizen to do? Call 311. Or email a picture to  and we’ll add it to this map: In late 2010, the Department of Sanitation of NY was given jurisdiction to remove derelict bikes (they also remove derelict automobiles) from public property like street signs. In January of this year, that power was extended to bike racks too. In 18 months, 40 have been snipped free to make room for functioning bikes to park. [Keep reading at Transportation Nation]

Support Shawn Slivinski

Shawn Slivinski was recently the victim of a head injury and is currently residing at an ICU in Columbus, OH.  Shawn lives a meager lifestyle by choice, is active in the community but is without health insurance. His extended stay in the hospital affects not only himself but everyone who knows him as a fellow gardener, barista, cook, local foods advocate, cyclist and friend.    THE ACCIDENT:   Shawn was running a routine errand to the bank from his job as the manager of A Touch of Earth in the North Market.  A car door was opened in front of him sending him off course, wrecking his primary mode of transportation and causing his head to strike the pavement (on one of the rare days when he was not wearing a helmet).  He allowed an ambulance to take him to the hospital where his condition quickly deteriorated, he began to jumble his sentences and get tired. HIS CONDITION:   Shawn has two skull fractures (which have been beneficial to the initial sw...

Midget Bushtrekka The Flagship Bicycle Trailer [VIDEO]


Respect the Bike is tonight in Cleveland!

Ride down and check out how our region has influenced cycling. Bicycles from pre-1900 through current day builders such as Dan Polito, Rustbelt Welding, Carmen Gambino and many more! Don't miss this awesome bike extravaganza! Local bike photography and artists, Live MUSIC , BOOZE and Chef Sawyers fantastic array of GRUB! Live music from Heelsplitter, The Dreadful Yawns and Scoliosis Jones, and The New Lou Reeds. DO NOT MISS THIS PARTY! Take a ride through our glorious city on Cleveland Critical Mass and finish the ride ere, with Ohio's greatest bikes and Ohio's greatest bike riders! What better way to kick off bike month! [Facebook event]

Bike The Bridge, 2012 is Sunday, 17 June 2012 in Detroit

This is a very special Biking event. The Ambassador Bridge, spanning from Detroit to Windsor, pauses traffic to allow bikes to cross.  Canadian riders will ride to the US, across the bridge, and meet up with the Americans.  Then both the Canadians and Americans will ride back across the bridge.  A delicious Breakfast will be provided after the bridge ride, at Canada's beautiful Mic Mac Park.  Breakfast will be provided by Tres Bean Cafe' of Windsor.   We also plan to have a special guest speaker.  Then one of two tours can be selected. The short tour will be approximately 15 miles/ 24 KM in length.   The Long tour will be approximately 40 miles/ 64 KM in length. Both tours will focus on the theme of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812.  The long tour will include a trip to Fort Malden.   At the conclusion of the tours Americans, will be bussed back across the bridge and their bikes will be transported v...

Cleveland Velodrome cycling track scheduled to open in June []

View full size Courtesy of Fast Track Cycling Rendering of the Cleveland Velodrome, which is scheduled to open June 16 in the city's North Broadway neighborhood. CLEVELAND, Ohio -- After about five years of planning, the nonprofit Cleveland Velodrome cycling track is scheduled to open in June in the city's North Broadway neighborhood. Groudbreaking is planned for Tuesday on 8.4 acres at Broadway and Pershing Avenue, the former home of St. Michael Hospital. The bicycle track is scheduled to open June 16. "It is a great way to get kids into cycling," said Brett David, board president of Fast Track Cycling, which is running the velodrome. "It is safer than driving on some of these roads, battling cars." [keep reading at]

Sea Otter 12 Raleigh CX with Discs Ui2: Clean Routing [Hugger]


Bypass, bike spur and bridge replacements on tap [The Athens News]

With the warm weather comes amped-up highway and bridge projects, and Athens County will see a variety of improvements planned by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The planned work amounts to more than $16 million in estimated costs. A brochure recently released by  ODOT's District 10  – which covers a swath of southeast Ohio counties from Gallia to Hocking to Noble – shows 14 projects with estimated costs totaling $16.2 million. ODOT also is continuing its work on the U.S. Rt. 33  Nelsonville bypass , including plans for a second roundabout for Athens County, this one in Nelsonville. Athens City Council is also discussing a bike path spur across the Hocking River in the Columbus Road area. Not all of these projects are slated for construction this summer, and some will not have a contract awarded until the fall months. They include four bridge replacements, four slide repairs, four resurfacings, one intersection improvement and one preventative maintenan...

Hit and run in Berkeley CA [VIDEO]


Study Ranks Transit Systems Of Major U.S. Cities [Columbus 24 of 25] via MarketWatch

Walk Score research reveals which U.S. cities offer best transit alternatives to rising gas prices. Walk Score®, the only site that makes it easy for apartment renters and home buyers to find neighborhoods where they can drive less and live more, announced today a new ranking of U.S. city transit systems based on residents' access to public transportation. New York, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington D.C. top the list, while cities such as Houston, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Columbus, Ohio are among the cities in the bottom half of the ranking. "Heading to the gas pump this season is about as much fun as getting a root canal. With gas prices expected to hit new highs, more people are riding transit, walking and biking to save money," said Walk Score CEO, Josh Herst. "And being able to leave your car at home more often is great for your wallet, your waistline and the environment." As gas prices rise and consumers seek shorter commutes and more sustaina...

Experienced cyclist dies after hitting barrier on B&O Trail []

ZOOM Maino BELLVILLE -- A 53-year-old man died Wednesday from injuries received in a bicycle crash Tuesday evening on the Richland B&O Trail. Giuseppe Maino, a contractor at the 179th Airlift Wing of the Ohio National Guard base, died at 1:10 a.m., Richland County Coroner's Investigator Bob Ball said. Bellville police Officer Burt Skeen said police responded to the bike trail shortly after 7 p.m. Tuesday, about 200 yards west of the bridge where Ogle and East streets meet. Maino, of Turin, Italy, was taken to MedCentral/Mansfield Hospital by Jefferson Township Fire Department rescue personnel. He underwent emergency surgery. Maino was riding with a group of cyclists associated with Y-Not Cycling and Fitness in Lexington. "He was to the rear of the group and only one gentleman was beside him. The other bicyclist was approaching the posts on the bike trail (which prevent cars from entering the trail or a park entrance) and he went ahead to make sure Giuseppe ...

Specialized Turbo Test Ride [Hugger Industries]

Marley Coffee Takes Off with BikeCaffe

“Life is one big road with lots of signs, so when riding through the ruts don’t complicate your mind,” sang Bob Marley in Wake Up and Live. The ride continues as today we announced a new partnership with  BikeCaffe , the eco-minded, organic, fair-trade coffee service by bike, to bring their distinct way of delivering and offering coffee with the addition of new Marley Coffee-branded  BikeCaffe  Coffee Bike franchises to their roster. BikeCaffe, found in select cities nationwide and in Europe, is a new approach to serving coffee to customers: the three-wheeled, geared bikes are full-service caffes that can roll from location to location, leaving little carbon footprint behind. The Marley Coffee BikeCaffe concept will be revealed for the first time at the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) OneShow in Las Vegas, April 25-27 at the Marley Coffee Booth #447.  Marley Coffee BikeCaffe franchising opportunities are available now by visiting  htt...

World x Cycle

Going the distance. From the seat of a push-bike, we will ride over 30,000 km across six continents and twenty-six countries. The expedition will take ten months and, once completed, will be the fastest world circumnavigation by a female according to Guinness standards. [World x Cycle]

Ozon Cyclery Bamboo Bikes

[Ozon Cyclery]