
Showing posts from December 21, 2014

GoPro: Danny MacAskill Rides Rotterdam


Freeriders Shred Fat Bikes On Snow!


Kokopelli Bikepacking setup -


Toddler mountain biking on a Weehoo iGo Pro @rideweehoo

[Review at Road Bike Review]

Ski mounts video @BooBicycles #letsride

Ski mounts video from Boo Bicycles on Vimeo .

Carol of the Spokes @velocityusa #letsride

Carol of the Spokes from Velocity USA on Vimeo .

Video: Walking Bicycle Performance


Retro Bike Or Modern Bike? How Have Bikes Changed?


What’s worse: An idiot on a bike, a moron behind the wheel? @metrotoronto

Lucy Scholey/Metro A police officer and Carleton University engineering students watch last April as a car collides with a bicycle and crash test dummy in an engineering experiment.  We asked you who you consider more dangerous: an idiot on a bicycle who doesn’t believe traffic laws apply to cyclists or a lead-footed driver in a school zone. Your answers may raise a few eyebrows. You may have noticed some changes to this space lately. We’re shuffling the furniture a bit in hopes that you’ll make yourselves more at home. In addition to a weekly heads-up on important coming events, we’re making room for letters and reader-submitted photos, so you can not only tell us how you see things in your city, but show us. [Keep reading at MetroNews]