Mapping The Link Between Obesity And Car Driving What are you doing when you’re driving? Not exercising, that’s for sure. And in the parts of the country where people drive the most, they also pack on the most pounds. It stands to reason that the less you bike or walk, the more you drive. And the more you drive, the less exercise you get from the aforementioned activities. The link between obesity and driving can now be seen in map form, thanks to some research from Planetizen . In this first map, we can see the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. Click to zoom. Here, we can see the percentage of commuters that drive. Click to zoom. Notice any similarities? The so-called "Diabetes Belt"--the area running from the deep South to Appalachia--is also home to a lot of commuters who drive. As the Planetizen researchers note, this belt of car commuters goes even further, moving into Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana. These two fact...