
Showing posts from October 6, 2013

Revelate Designs Terrapin - Drybag holster @RevelateDesigns #letsride

Behold the next evolution in Adventure biking saddle bags! The Terrapin is a holster-like mount that accepts a drybag or similarly shaped load. With a drybag you get a 100% waterproof system where the load can be quickly removed from the bike for packing or unpacking. The key to the Terrapin is it's compression system and internal structure. It features a stiff plastic bottom and side sheets. The sides are additionally stiffened with fiberglass to resist outward buldging when an unweildly load is shoved in. The lower side wing straps feature an upward pull, 3:1 mechanical advantage which engages the side panels, yielding massive compression. Mount and Drybag sold seperately NOT compatible with the Spocket top pouch. sorry. REQUIRED TIRE MIN CLEARANCE: 8.5" rails to tire. The Terrapin drybag is made from 200 denier urethane coated nylon with flat taped seams. It also fits inside the Viscacha seat bag and can be used as a waterproof liner however the shapes do no


Living at over 2800 feet and regularly spinning my wheels over the mile mark, every once in awhile I need to drop back down to sea level to calibrate the altimeter. Moreover, with a fatbike in the stable, I've been itching to put rubber to the sand, wind to my back, boat on the bars, freely exploring the Alaskan Coast... Unfortunately, as with most of us, the Lost Coast is simply out of reach. Work, family, life...there's no shortage of hurdles to clock-block a man’s wanderlust. But there is hope. A mere ten-hour drive sits between Boise, Idaho and the Oregon Coast where long stretches of beach run uninterrupted, punctured by coastal rivers, bays and rocky bluffs. And fortunately for the people, the 1967 Oregon Beach Bill provided unrestricted beach access to everyone; including two guys on fatbikes. [Keep reading at Salsa Cycles]

New law requires 3-foot clearance to pass cyclists on roadway | KABC-TV LA

LOS ANGELES (KABC) --  Bicycle riders have tried, and failed, to get a "cushion" law passed before. This time, they succeeded. A new statewide law orders drivers to provide at least 3 feet of space when passing a cyclist. Violators could face a $35 fine. Westchester resident Vince Anderson says in the 30 years he has been bicycling, he has suffered numerous injuries after being hit by cars on the road. Anderson welcomes the new law. But he wishes it went even further. "Three feet, that's all? Yeah, that would certainly help," said Anderson. "I think a majority of the time people don't realize that if they just go to change the radio or just swerve a little bit that's all it takes to hit a cyclist because they can get pretty close. I think a lot of times they don't realize how close they are." Not all drivers think the bill is a good idea. "I think that's a little bit too much, actually. If there's a 3-feet ru


GRAVEL CHALLENGE WILDCAT HOLLOW BLACK DIAMOND CHALLENGE INAUGURAL EVENT 2013 OHIO’S PREMIER GRAVEL GRINDER SUNDAY OCTOBER 13TH – START TIME IS 10 AM Register Now With Special BOGO Pricing! Register yourself at regular price and add a friend FREE! Gravel Road Rides are fun, challenging and on roads most cyclist never travel. This event will be special due to the fall colors of the Wayne National Forest in peak season. The route includes lots of ridge running gravel with some challenging up and downhill sections. Special features will be a stream crossing and an abandoned covered bridge passage. Prizes… 6 Divisions: Men’s Open $600 to top 5 + Trophies Men’s 40 – 49 Top 3/Trophies and Merchandise Men’s 50+ Top 3/Trophies and Merchandise Women’s Open $150 to top 3 + Trophies Women’s 40 – 49 Top 3/Trophies and Merchandise Women’s 50+ Top 3/Trophies and Merchandise Event will depart from Crooksville with a police escort out to the first gravel road

Yay Bikes! Cemetery Ride is TOMORROW- 9AM 10/12 @yaybikes #letsride

October's theme is Cemeteries! A YEAR OF YAY! is a series of 12 tours on the streets of Columbus to get people out riding bikes and helping to support our community and small local businesses. You'll be amazed at what you'll discover!  Tours start at the Goodale Park open-air shelter, near the playground. HELMETS are *strongly* encouraged on all YB! rides. LOCKS are also useful at our stops. All YoY rides are FREE for Yay Bikes! members and $5 for everyone else. Membership is only $25 and helps support bicycling advocacy in Columbus. Become a YB! member at membership/ . Get Tickets

Klymit LiteWater Dinghy Pack Raft

The LiteWater Dinghy is a gamechanger. It is an advanced pack raft that will beckon adventurers toward new horizons. Designed with input from pro kayakers and packrafters, Klymit’s first entry into the paddle sports market has been made, and made with vigor. Featuring an advanced boat shape that tracks water and an ergonomic seating position that allows comfortable, upright, and well supported paddling position, the LWD paddles well and feels good on the water. Weighing in at 35 oz and packing down to 4x9 inches, you will forget you had it in your pack. Alpine lakes and rivers are now part of your backcountry playground, stay dry canyoneering, go camp on an untouched island….with the LWD…why not? The Mad Science behind the Klymit LWD We were talking a little Type 2 and a little PD one day, and Josh from Ruta Locura gave us a challenge. Can we re-create and ultralight pack raft similar to that of the venerated Curtis design model, something that weighs and packs little, but adds

What Role Should Police Play in Preventing Traffic Deaths? | Atlantic Cities

Elena Olivo New York Police Department commissioner Ray Kelly often cites the decline in homicides in New York City as one of his signature achievements. When he appeared at  The Atlantic 's  CityLab  summit this week, he was eager to discuss the use of surveillance technology and to promote his department’s success in reducing overall crime rates. But when asked about what his department could do to reduce traffic fatalities in the city, he didn’t have a lot of answers. Last year, even as the city’s homicide rate continued to fall, traffic deaths went up, and  148 pedestrians died in traffic crashes on the city’s streets, as did 18 people riding bicycles . In New York, unless drivers flee the scene of a fatal crash or test positive for drugs or alcohol, they are rarely charged with any crime, regardless of what traffic regulations they were violating at the time. " No criminality was suspected " is a phrase that has become grimly familiar to street safety advocate

PVDCX: Topher 'I was its Philadelphia b*tch' | Dirtwire

Are Guerrilla Bike Lanes a Good Idea? | Atlantic Cities

According to the New York City Department of Transportation, Manhattan's Sixth Avenue is one of the  busiest bike streets  in the city. But north of 42nd Street, its bike lane comes to an abrupt end. Back in 2011, the local Community Board's transportation committee considered whether to install a dedicated bike lane up to 59th Street, where the street terminates. After some debate, the committee wound up with a tie vote, an outcome that counts as a "no." "I don’t see the benefit of trying to implement a bike lane in this corridor. It just doesn’t make sense," Michael Keane, transportation committee chair,  said at the meeting . [Keep reading at Atlantic Cities]

PedalHard // NoCoast 2012 Portland to San Francisco Official | Vimeo

PedalHard // NoCoast 2012 Portland to San Francisco Official from PdlHrd on Vimeo . PDL HRD Presents the Official NoCoast 2012 7Days 804Miles Riders./ Shawn Remy Adam Beltz Darin Morgan Josh McCann Film./ Bobby Gee, No.27 Edit./ Erick Lee Art Direction./ Jordan Yee Special thank you goes out to our sponsors: Oscars Very Mexican Food


Camping wild is not just about camping high on a hill – it’s about finding a place to lay your head for the night which is as much part of the experience you will cherish in two decades when you open up your moleskine as actually getting some sleep. It should bestow on you, if you are willing to sacrifice a little comfort, and to plan a little in advance, an experience almost unparalleled in the world of outdoor pursuits and adventure travel. There are few feelings as liberating, thrilling and rewarding as being immersed in your surroundings in the way camping wild allows you to do, whether those surroundings are a Scottish mountainside, the gardens of an ancient French Chateau or the simple arable land belonging to an Uzbek farmer. In this 3 part guide, Andrew Mazibrada looks at all the essential elements of camping wild, whether on two feet, two wheels or in a packraft.   My first night camping wild was a disaster. I was delayed out of London and paid a taxi driver more money t


BIKES vs CARS TRAILER from WG Film on Vimeo . Bikes vs. Cars, a new film project from BANANAS! * and Big Boys Gone Bananas! * director Fredrik Gertten. Climate change and the daily stress of being locked up in a car frustrate people more than ever. People in cities around the world take on the bicycle as a Do It Yourself tool for change. But still: Car sales are booming. 1 billion cars today. 2 billion in 2020. A film by Fredrik Gertten Release 2014 Support Bikes vs Cars Kickstarter campaign at WE ARE MANY! Last news about the documentary on facebook: Check out the Bikes vs Cars website:

Divvy Bikes - Safety Video | YouTube

'Because the Driver Didn't Want to Wait 15 Seconds, My Kids Don't Have a Mother' | Edgewater Patch

Jerry Cunningham addresses a crowd at his wife's memorial ride. Photo credit: YouTube user Mark Hamilton Nearly 300 area residents gathered at Annapolis High School last week to embark on  a ride in memory of Trish Cunningham , the school's cross country coach,  who was killed in August when a minivan struck her bicycle . Trish Cunningham was struck while she was pedaling over the crest of a hill on Riva Road between Maple Creek Lane and Bear's Point Road. Police said the cause of the crash appeared to be driver error. According to Jerry Cunningham, Trish Cunningham's husband, it would have taken his wife about 15 seconds to pedal over the crest of the hill and if the driver of the minivan waited to pass her, his wife might still be alive today.  "Fifteen seconds is nothing," Jerry Cunningham said as he was addressing a crowd prior to last week's memorial ride. "Because the driver didn't want to wait 15 seconds, my kids don't have a mot

Wi-MM Bike+ @getbikeplus

High-performance GPS receiver Cellular modem Comprehensive performance analytics Anti-theft alarm with buzzer Real-time ride information accessible from your smart phone or web browser Multi array of sensors for ride statistics Real-time location and mapping Bluetooth connectivity to your smartphone for in-ride experience Crash detection and alert notification Fleet management dashboard for bike sharing operators Available to bike manufacturers Open API [Keep reading at Wi-MM]

Ai Weiwei’s Forever Bicycles Reconfigured Using 3,144 Bikes in Toronto | Collosal

Photo via Scotiabank Nuit Blanche As part of  Scotiabank Nuit Blanche  in Toronto this weekend, an enormous reconfiguration of Chinese artist  Ai Weiwei’s   Forever Bicycles  (previously  here and  here ) was unveiled in the center of Nathan Phillips Square. The installation dominates the outdoor space, measuring 100 feet long by 30 feet wide and consists of some 3,144 bicycles, resulting in so much depth and volume the piece almost appears blurred. Via  Scotiabank Nuit Blanche : World-renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei will exhibit a new edition of his Forever Bicycles sculpture in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square. 3,144 interconnected bicycles will form a three-dimensional structure creating an incredible visual effect. [Keep reading at  Collosal] [See more at artsy]

‘Green wave’ signal timing for bicyclists expanding in San Francisco | SF Examiner

Four new sets of “green waves” — modified traffic signals timed so that bicyclists encounter a series of green lights — are coming to The City, and three existing systems are being enhanced. The $117,176 project funded with Proposition K dollars rides on the success of the Valencia Street green wave, which in January 2011 made San Francisco the first city in the world to provide a two-way green wave. [Keep reading at SF Examiner]

Bicyclists often left to writhe after collisions | Columbus Dispatch

Enlarge Image FILE PHOTO Brad Young’s mangled bicycle rests near a pole after he was struck Sept. 1 in Hilliard by a vehicle that fled the scene. The impact of the side mirror came without warning, forcing David Kelly into a storm drain and catapulting him from his bicycle. What had, until then, been a pleasant ride near Sharon Woods Metro Park in April last year was among his last. Since then, he has struggled with pain and has lost faith in roadway safety. As with many other collisions between bicycles and cars, the driver who hit him slowed but didn’t stop. “It’s traumatic. You’re flying through the air and hit pavement; for a few minutes you’re not sure if you’re alive or dead,” Kelly recalled last week from his North Side home. His injuries required skin grafts and back surgery. He has struggled, but come to understand, why a driver might not stop. [Keep reading at Columbus Dispatch]

I Am Not A Cyclist | Hush

Photo | Melissa Bruntlett Please allow me to get something off my chest: I despise it when someone refers to me as a ‘cyclist’. The phrase ‘avid cyclist’ is even worse. I am no more an avid cyclist than I am an avid walker or avid eater. I am someone who often uses a bicycle, simply because it is the most civilized, efficient, enjoyable, and economical way to get around my city. Though that is dependent on the weather, cargo, timing, and nature of the trip I am taking. As well as possessing a bike, I also own a share in the Modo car co-op, a Compass Card, and many pairs of shoes. The bicycle is merely a means to an end. It is a tool which does not convert me into a cyclist, any more than vacuuming my apartment turns me into a janitor, or brushing my teeth transforms me into a dental hygienist. In a local context, the term ‘cyclist’ continues to provide us with a damaging mental barrier and convenient scapegoat. It serves only to alien

How Will Cities Bike-Share With No Bikes? | Bloomberg Views

What happens when the last bike goes? Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg The Official Blog Spouse and I are avid users of Washington’s bike-share system, Capital Bikeshare. After having several bikes stolen, including two that couldn’t possibly have been worth the effort, I’ve given up on bike ownership in the District of Columbia. Plus Capital Bikeshare offers you almost all the benefits of biking (zero marginal cost and it lets you slack off at the gym) without the inconvenience of figuring out where you can lock up the damn thing. Sure, I’d rather it wasn’t subsidized by the government, but this wouldn’t even make it onto my list of Top 100 Inappropriate Subsidies From the Government of the District of Columbia. So my conscience does not pang me too much as I glide through the bike lanes of our nation’s capital. But it looks as if  my favorite government program may be in danger . Bixi, the Montreal company that makes the bikes, seems to be having some serious financial pro

Car-Centric Spain Begins To Embrace The Bicycle | NPR

Cyclists whiz past Madrid's Puerta de Alcalá monument as part of  Bici Crítica,   a movement that seeks to raise awareness of bike safety. On the last Thursday of every month, thousands of cyclists ride in unison through downtown Madrid, blocking traffic during rush hour. Lauren Frayer / NPR For the first time on record, bicycles have outsold cars in Spain. Higher taxes on fuel and on new cars have prompted cash-strapped Spaniards to opt for two wheels instead of four. Last year, 780,000 bicycles were sold in the country — compared to 700,000 cars. That's due to a 4 percent jump in bike sales, and a 30 percent drop in sales of new cars. But unlike countries in northern Europe like the Netherlands or Belgium, Spain doesn't have a long-standing bicycle tradition. Spaniards cheer on their countrymen in the Tour de France or Vuelta a España bike races on TV each summer. But that hasn't trickled down to real people commuting to work on bikes. In fact, Spain has

Georgia’s Bicycle Registry Is GOP “Small Government” At Its Best | Addicting Info

3 Republicans in “Small Government” Georgia have proposed a bicycle registry. Because a gun registry is tyranny but tracking every bike is “freedom.” Evil Bike Is Evil T-Shirt available at  Shirt.Woot.Com . Bicycle registry? Yes, you read that title correctly. Three Republican representatives, Carl Rogers, Lee Hawkins and Emory Dunahoo (all from Gainesville) have proposed an…interesting amendment. They want to amend the motor vehicle registration law  (Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia)  to include a bicycle registry. The proposed amendment would require every owner of a bicycle to register and license it with the state for the purpose of an identification process. The three state legislators were reportedly influenced by local businessman Jim Syfan, of Syfan Logistics.  Syfan told  11Alive  News he had pushed a bill like this for years. Why a bill for a bicycle registry? “It’s not meant to stop anyone from riding,” Syfan said.  “What it’s meant to do is create an

The Bike Index: Let's Stop Bike Theft, Together | Kickstarter

We've created an open source bike registry to fight bike theft and save the world Github repo ,  facebook ,  The Bike Index! We built the Bike Index because we were frustrated by the prevalence of bike theft and by everyone's fatalistic response to it. We regularly saw people trying to sell stolen bikes, and would search for the bikes online—but it was too difficult to find good information about them. So we built a bike registry that encourages people to register their bikes, offers people a way to verify bikes they sell, and makes sure everyone who needs it can access information about bikes - all while protecting your privacy. We need support so that when we meet with local governments and manufacturers, we can show them people want an open source, usable bike registry . We need your help to expand! Travel to the eleven biggest bike cities in the United States to meet with shop owners and give them the ability to register bikes for free (the cities:

Clever Cycles - Pimp your Surly, city style | YouTube

Garmin presents power with Vector | @Garmin