Here is what Burlington VT is doing for bike parking. Notice the snow on the ground and no cover. Yep, people ride their bikes in the snow without worrying about a cover to protect their bike. If you haven't heard by now $480,000 is being spent on the 16 bike shelters ($30,000 each) around Columbus. They look like bus shelters and I have yet to see more than one bike locked in them. During a discussion with a friend he suggested that the process should (coulda/shoulda/woulda) have involved local designers working to create unique and relevant design art/sculptural bike parking and have local companies fabricate the designs for installation around Columbus. Unfortunately, we ended up with relatively expensive bike shelters that do nothing to raise the bar on innovative and cost effective bike parking solutions. We had a chance to be, "oh, wow", and ended up with, "oh yeah, they cost WHAT?". Do you want your voice to be heard? Stop down to the COLUM