Bike Lady 2010 Final Report
Dear Friends of the Bike Lady, Bike Lady 2010 by the numbers…. 1 Inspiration in the form of two former foster children – my daughter (adopted 2008) and my son (adopted in the midst of Bike Lady 2010) 1 Radio show 1 Semi tractor-trailer trip 2 Box truck trips 2 Wal-Mart truck trips 2 Out-of-country donors 3 Bikes/helmets/locks sent to FCCS kids living in Alabama 3 TV news stories 4 Weeks 4 Landscape trailer trips 5 Email updates 13 Out-of-state donors 23 Corporate and organizational donors giving monetary, bikes/helmets/locks or gifts in kind 97 Facebook posts 110+ Individual and family donors which gave monetary or bikes/helmets/locks 460 New helmets 524 New locks 524 New bikes – about 2/3 for teens 1048 Wide eyes that will pop tomorrow morning 38,976 Dollars rais