
Showing posts from March 1, 2009

Baer Wheels truck

I headed down Weber toward High and noticed the Baer Wheels company truck and trailer were damaged by the fire across the street. It looks like the door handles melted down over the door. Baer Wheels website

Octopus Caps, Seagull Bags and Delicious Mixtures

I stopped in to Octopus Caps to pickup my hat today. I get a chance to talk with Heidi and Trent from Octopus about their business and biking in Columbus. If you have not stopped in please do so and take a look at what they have to offer. They are working on some interesting projects. Seagull Bags is in the same space. They have a lot of bags ready to go. A new business has opened in the basement. Rory Taylor, has opened Delicious Mixture, which is a frame painting service. Pricing is based on frame prep and painting complexity. He does not have a website yet, but you can reach him via email at Visit all three at 3343 N High St Columbus, OH 43202 (614) 223-0272

Bike & Build

Bike & Build organizes cross-country bicycle trips which benefit affordable housing groups. Specifically, we fund projects planned and executed by young adults. We have donated $1,643,145 in our past 6 seasons, and have pedaled over 3.1MM miles, spreading the word about the affordable housing crisis in America. the website... This hits home for me (no pun intended). I recently started a new position at a great organization, Columbus Housing Partnership. Our mission is to provide affordable housing solutions to our customers. We provide housing counseling, mortgage crisis help, rehabilitated housing and rentals. more here...

80,000 Euro - What a bargain...

Ok. I don't know what the hell is going on here, but you can purchase a gold and jewel encrusted bike for 80,000 Euros. Here is the site...


new york craigslist > brooklyn > bicycles>WTB Surly Long Haul Trucker LHT - $1000000 (anywhere)

Carnage Ride

The Carnage MTB Ride from Clayton Peck on Vimeo .

No. 38 Momentum Magazine is out

No. 38 Featuring... Washington DC Going for the Green! After School Bike Club at the Presidio YMCA Canadian Safe Routes Program Struggles for US Style Funding North America's Thriving Network of Community Bike Shops Learning to Share the Road The Tweed Run get it here


March 14 - 15, 2009 New Location: Warren G. Magnuson Park A Cascade Bicycle Club Event What is Bike Expo? The Group Health Seattle International Bicycle Expo is a celebration of all things bicycling. Bike Expo has been produced by Cascade Bicycle Club since 1988. Bike Expo is our second largest event, serving the Pacific Northwest cycling community and attracting visitors and exhibitors from around the nation and Canada. Come and mingle with your fellow cyclists at Warren G. Magnuson Park in Sand Point. Visitors come to: See what's new and hot in the future of cycling. Purchase directly from vendors, in many cases at discount prices. Test ride new models in our test ride area. Enjoy our feature presentations. Take kids to the Bike Thrillz & Skillz on Saturday. Talk with coaches and training experts on training methods and programs. Enter the ninth annual Photo Contest. Enjoy a meal from one of our many food vendors. And much more! the site

National Bike Summit 2009

The League has an exciting week planned for the 2009 National Bike Summit. This year's event is packed with education, advocacy, a congressional bike ride and plenty of networking. Register today! Summit Annual Meeting GO FOR GREEN: BUILDING BICYCLING INTO THE TRANSPORTATION BILL Bicyclists led the Good Roads movement in the 1880s, successfully lobbying for paved roads to drag our nation out of the mud. In 2009, the stage is set for bicyclists to once again lead reform of our transportation system. A “smart” transportation movement is needed to solve the challenges of climate change, obesity, congestion, pollution, safety, and dependence on foreign oil. The 2009 National Bike Summit is focused on making a powerful case for expanding Federal support for bicycling – for active transportation and recreation. Join fellow advocates, industry leaders, and retailers as we make our voice for change heard: we have a new President, new Congress and new administration to address. The new Cong...

Screaming Monkey Bike Blog

charles hopkins found me on Twitter and sent over a link to his blog from Indiana.

Vienna CM flyer

pic courtesy of Critical Mass wiki

REW 10 WORKS - Handmade frames in Tokyo

the site...

Sillgey Cyclery

Our goal as a company is to make bicycles from what we feel is the best material, steel such as SiLLGEY 757, Reynolds 853, Reynolds 953 and Columbus xCr. By doing direct manufacturing, we can make high quality bicycles at affordable prices to the customers. All our bicycles are hand made, including our Reynolds 953, Columbus xCr stainless steel frames, with each design available in different colors and styles with the option for further customization to the customers desires. Sillgey has more than twenty years of steel welding experience to ensure maximum integrity. Our manufacturing process allows us to produce bicycles to exacting specifications by precision manufacturing all components before being hand welded, this ensures both speed and quality control. site

Independent Fabrication

Their history... After 12 years of business, the pioneering mountain bike manufacturer Fat City Cycles was sold in 1994. The company closed its Somerville, Massachusetts, doors leaving behind an empty factory and a handful of workers. But what kind of story would this be if that’s where it ended? Fabricator Lloyd Graves, welder Mike Flanigan, and machinist and toolmaker Jeffrey Buchholz still had the itch to design and build custom bikes. So they dusted off their work boots, brought out the drawing board, and joined forces with Sue Kirby, Ben Cole, and Steve Elmes to start their own company. An independent company. A company that would make bikes the way they knew they should be made. In 1995, Independent Fabrication was formed. What they lacked in adequate workspace, they overcompensated with elbow grease. Would they be employee owned? Yes. Would they allow a customer to paint their bike whatever colors they wanted even if it was ugly? Why the hell not? Would they continue to build hi...

Black Sheep Bikes - Ft. Collins, CO - saw them at NAHBS

Black Sheep is a title sponsor of the '09 Single Speed World Championships ( That means we are going to be representing with lots of nicely fast bikes on the race course plus throwing down a Black Sheep frame to the winner. It's going to be FUN. Check out my entry. See you in Durango. For the 3rd year Black Sheep will be building the bicycle-commuting machines for the Tour de Fat. New Belgium's Tour de Fat is challenging folks to trade their car for said commuter. Simply submit your pledge to New Belgium in form of the written, filmed, or photographed and if your commitment to forsake your car for two wheeled, human-powered transport is true, you could take home a fine Black Sheep bike. The car trader bike is to be unveiled at the 5th Annual North American Handbuilt Bike Show in Indianapolis this February 27th - March 1st so check it out. Otherwise Ill also post a shot asap. For more details check out BTW - Im drinking an Abbey r...

Bilenky wins best tandem at NAHBS

The Bilenky website

3rd Thursday Ride - 19 Mar 09

David Hines Memorial Ride Karl Rd Route Map & Itinerary View Larger Map The story - Links: David D. Hines Bicyclist remembered for friendly nature David Hines killed by car piloted by Evelyn Barckhoff


48th Annual • TOSRV 2009 May 9-10, 2009 The Tour Of the Scioto River Valley is a 2-day, 200-mile bicycle tour from Columbus, Ohio, to Portsmouth, Ohio, and back again I did TOSRV last year. I am looking forward to riding again this year. The website

Urban Velo Issue 12 is available now!

I met with the guys from Urban Velo at NAHBS. Check out their mag. They also are providing coverage of NAHBS...

Villin Cycle Works

Talked to Alexis, co-owner of Villin Cycle Works in Gainesville, Florida. Very cool guy. They are a really small shop setup to handle any custom job. And, I voted for their show bike (see above) Their website...