
Showing posts from April 19, 2015

2014 Arizona Trail Race

2014 Arizona Trail Race from Aaron Johnson on Vimeo . In April of 2014, about 17 of us lined up along the desolate Mexican border in Arizona, and headed north in a race across the deserts, mountains, forests, and canyons of Arizona, headed for Utah. This is the story of how my race unfolded. The Arizona Trail Race is a self-supported mountain bike race along the famed Arizona Trail. Starting at the Mexico border, there are two distance options: 300 miles to the Picketpost trailhead near Phoenix, or the full traversal to Utah, more than 750 miles. There is no race organization, there is no support; you carry all your own gear, and must be completely self-sufficient. Resupply is allowed only at any commercial establishment. Read more about the race here: Huge thanks to Joe Polk at MTBCast for providing the call-in audio for the narration. MTBCast is a podcast that offers racers a way to call in and leave messages, sometimes the only commu...

2013 Colorado Trail Race

2013 Colorado Trail Race from Aaron Johnson on Vimeo . The 2013 Colorado Trail Race. Self-supported mountain bike race from Durango to Denver, 550 miles. July 21, 2013 Race info: Filmed and edited by Aaron Johnson. Music: "Around the Block" by Pretty Lights "Holocene" by Bon Iver "The Stable Song" by Gregory Alan Isakov

California Sierra Trail Race

California Sierra Trail Race from Aaron Johnson on Vimeo . From the mind of Sean Allan comes the California Sierra Trail Race, a self-supported bikepacking race in the Tahoe region of California. Beginning and ending in Auburn, CA, the route traverses historic 19th Century mining trails and roads, winding its way slowly up the foothills and dropping down into Lake Tahoe. It then follows the Tahoe Rim Trail around the lake, over 100 miles of some of California's best singletrack, before making its way back down towards Auburn. At 430 miles and 70,000 feet of elevation gain, the route is a monster, but rewards those who attempt it with incredible scenery and riding. This film showcases the second running of this race, in July of 2014. Turnout was incredibly low, with only 4 starters, and the goal of this film is to generate awareness of this amazing course so more people can experience it. This year's racers: Jack Anderson Aaron Johnson Jeremy Noble Greg Levitsky A...

Women’s SL Pro Bib Shorts with HookUp



MONTANUS - The COLD VEIN from MONTANUS on Vimeo . The call of the mountain is even stronger during winter, when the snow breaks the tree-tops and the cold weather freezes the bones. During this time, when most people put their bike to rest, an adventure between two Italian buddies began. They aimed to search for the COLD VEIN, that vein which come back to pulsate in the winter wilderness. This was an experience that brought Giorgio and Francesco to find more than what they were searching for. A journey through their own limits, where what is important, is not the width of the tires but the extent of the horizons. The video is dedicated to Walter Belli, a dear friend who had a bad injury during a DH session and who is still fighting every day with the wilderness alive in his heart. Self filmed with a Canon 500D (2009), a GoPro HERO4 and a “no brand” alluminum tripod. Aerial filming by APR Italia. Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. Music: Ark Life - "Some Unheroic Hi...

Introducing the Rocky Mountain Sherpa @rockymountain

Introducing the Rocky Mountain Sherpa from Rocky Mountain Bicycles on Vimeo .

Meet the Controversial Cyclist Fighting for Safer Streets @bicyclingmag

PHOTO BY SHANE MCCAULEY At 6-foot-8, Don Ward is an imposing figure in L.A.'s bike scene. He's the creator of outlaw rides and a powerful voice in the fight for more bike lanes. BICYCLING: You once organized a race between cyclists and a commercial jet. Seriously? Don Ward:  Los Angeles  shut down a section of Interstate 405 in 2011 to remove a bridge, and the city was up in arms. People called it "Carmageddon." Jet Blue created a promotional flight between Burbank and Long Beach. A friend suggested the race. We won by 77 minutes. What did that show about promoting cycling events? It's the same thing I learned working for an automative ad agency:  Sexy and fast  captures people's attention. [Keep reading at Bicycling]

29+ and 27.5+ Bikes – Innovation or Industry Scam?

Blueprint: 29+ and 27.5+ Bikes – Innovation or Industry Scam? A no-bullshit video investigation into the bike industry's latest wheel sizes Video by Dan Barham What’s the deal with 29+ and 27.5+ bikes? When we first caught wind of the new breed of 29+ and 27.5+ bikes, we were as suspicious as any rider. So, we started asking questions: why have these new standards emerged? Are the new wheel sizes simply a way for industry big wigs to convince consumers to buy new bikes? We flew around the country visiting the folks who are putting the new wheels to work at Rocky Mountain in Vancouver, Canada, SRAM’s Development Facility in Colorado Springs and Trek’s World Headquarters in Waterloo, Wisconsin.  Trek and Rocky Mountain are only two of a handful of brands announcing 29+ and 27.5+ bikes. You’re going to be seeing more of these plus-size bikes, and you can be damn sure that we’ll have more to say about them. Rocky Mountain’s 27.5+ Sherpa Rocky’s Sherpa is a specializ...

Why Cyclists Ride Two Abreast | BikeWalk NC

Cyclists riding double file on a narrow rural road. Riding double file deters unsafe same-lane passing in narrow lanes and makes the cyclists as visible as a car from the front and behind. [Mike Dayton photo] Group rides are extremely popular among recreational and competitive cyclists. Although social interaction is a major incentive to ride in groups, so is safety. One technique cycling groups use to reduce the risk of collisions is riding double file, particularly in narrow lanes and when approaching intersections. This article discusses how riding double file can deter common crash types and what group cyclists should consider when choosing their position on the roadway. [Keep reading at BikeWalkNC]

Red Hook Criterium: 60 MINUTES SPORTS Preview


Helinox Table One from Helinox @Big_Agnes

Helinox Table One from Helinox on Vimeo .

Loopwheels, for a smoother ride.


Fixing a puncture with no hands
