Welcome Indigo Imp Brewery to Columbus and benefit OSCHA
Hey Clevelanders (or anyone that appreciates good beer) Hal & Al’s welcomes of Indigo Imp Brewery to Columbus! Brewmaster Matt Chappel is coming down from Cleveland to not only ride Bike the C-Bus but also help pour beers and answer any questions about his great line up of products. Come to Hal & Al’s Saturday September 4th and purchase a draft of Indigo Imps Jester and keep a limited edition pint glass. Jester is a Pale Ale ferm ented with a blend of Belgian yeast. This copper colored ale is malty with a distinctive spice flavor (no spices added) from the yeast and a smooth malty finish. A.B.V. 5.8%. Proceeds from Jester’s drafts goes to Bike the C-Bus charity Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association (OSCHA), a statewide community based organization whose mission is to provide education, advocacy and support statewide to individuals and families affected and at-risk for Sickle Cell Disease. http://www.ohiosicklecell. org/ And if you are participating in Bike the C-Bus...