
Showing posts from October 23, 2011

BikeGlow Frame Light

Specifications Description: A bike safety light product, the brightly colored BikeGlow™ Safety Light will dramatically increase your bike's side visibility when it's wrapped around your frame.  10 ft. flexible light tube uses electroluminescent technology and features bright colors for increased visibility from side  Choose between steady, slow flashing, and fast flashing modes  3-1/2" x 1-1/4" power unit attaches to bike with included strap; unit weighs less than 2 oz.  Light attaches by wrapping around frame tubing and secures tightly with included attachment ties or tape  BikeGlow™ is lightweight and secure enough to be left on your bike so you have safety lighting always at the ready  Waterproof battery housing (pictured below)  Batteries not included  1 year full-warranty  Patent pending waterproof design BikeGlow Safety Light Specs Specification            Descr...

How Much is a Bike Trail Worth? [The Atlantic]

Reuters With budget crises a reality for local governments all over the country, recreation amenities like bike trails are often the first places to look for cuts. But according to  research coming out of the University of Cincinnati , proximity to trails in urban areas increases property values, which in turn boosts the amount of property taxes filling government coffers. [continue reading at The Atlantic]

Click-Stand is the World's Only Folding Portable Bicycle Stand.

Click-Stand is the World's Only Folding Portable Bicycle Stand. Folds to between 7" and 10" in length.    ~    Weighs near 75 grams. Click-Stand At-A-Glance

What are current City of Columbus bike projects? Department of Public Service has listing.

From the  Department of Public Service    Current Bike Projects Projects In Design Potential Bikeways to include with 2011 Resurfacing (In Progress) Consider the addition of bikeway markings with 2011 roadway resurfacing projects.  These could include bike lanes or shared-lane markings (sharrows) Bryden Rd King Ave 11th Ave Chittenden Ave Map:   link to PDF file here Intersection improvements for bicycle safety Projects In Construction Bikeways being added with 2011 Resurfacing (In Progress) The following streets include bicycle facilities. Sharon Woods Blvd   Dexter Falls Rd [DPS Website]

On Bicycles – 50 ways the new bike culture can change your life

From their blog On Bicycles features the work 33 writers from across the spectrum who share a passion for cycling and a desire to share the gift of cycling with you. Here’s a little more about the book, from the website of our publisher,  New World Library : Bike culture is exploding in cities like Portland, OR, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Montreal, and Vancouver, BC. Whether people are riding folding bikes to the commuter train, slipping through traffic on streamlined single speeds, or carrying children and groceries on their cargo bikes, bicycles are making urban life more dynamic and enjoyable — simply better. Amy Walker has been at the forefront of this trend as cofounder of  Momentum  magazine, which chronicles and inspires urban bike culture and transportation cycling. In  On Bicycles , she gathers a wide-ranging group of cycling writers to explore the ways that biking can change, and is changing, people’s lives. From utility bikes that are b...


ROAD DROP BAR GEOMETRY Posted on  | March 2, 2009 |  65 Comments Which drop bar shape and size is best? That depends on your anatomy, conditioning, position on the bike, type of riding you do, how your bike is equipped and your bike’s geometry. One cyclist’s ergonomic heaven is another’s hell. I’ve assembled samples of a representative range of most of the traditional road bar geometries together with current production shapes. I’ve omitted anatomic bars as I’ve never found one that fits my anatomy,  so apologies to fans of anatomic bars. You can navigate the images using the thumbnails, use the arrows left and right to jog through the menu and the bar specs will display in the lower left above the thumbnails if you roll over the main image. As Mitch has pointed out in the comments you should note that the bars are pictured for easy  comparison of the shape, reach and drop may or may not be at the angle they are likely to be mounted. Different ri...

Mark your calendars: Ohio Gran Fondo is September 2, 2012

On September 2, 2012 the Ohio Gran Fondo will make its debut in Central Ohio.  If you don't know what a Gran Fondo is, you are in for a big surprise.  Gran Fondos are fast becoming one of the hottest events for cyclists throughout the US.  The reason is simple, a great atmosphere, challenging course and unparalleled support.  So what does that mean?  Well, essentially it is a bike ride that gives participants the same atmosphere and challenge as a marathon only for cycling.  To do this, Gran Fondos draw on the best of all worlds to give riders of every skill level an experience unlike any other.  From the racing world they bring the spectacle and challenge by featuring a mass start, timing and scoring, limited road closures/turn marshals, and an epic start/finish line complete with barricades, banners, music and an announcer to give you the look and feel that you would expect from a professional race.  Like the best tours they have lots of stops, ...

For the love of bikes [Knight Arts] Detroit Art Scene

“Tête de la Course,” the newest exhibition at  Center Galleries  and part of the  College for Creative Studies , celebrates the world of the bicycle with photographs by Donald Dietz and custom-built bicycles by Detroit Artists Darrin Brouhard, Stephen Lambers Jr., Wayne Neeley and The EastSide Riders, Larry Parker, Neil Shaddox and Ted Sliwinski. "Frankentrike" made by Ted Sliwinski. "I consider myself a fabricator, and I take more pride in the fabrication. The "Frankentrike" was a challenge. In true Detroit style it is made of junk, old bike frames and part of the elevator at OmniCorpDetroit. However, it works and it works well." Today’s subject is near and dear to my heart: Bicycles. A part of almost everyones’ childhood, I hope you, wonderful reader, can remember the pure joy of being able to feel your body propel yourself out into the world. As a teenager, I was forced to take an extended hiatus from bike riding when a garage fire destroyed ...

Bike OSU How We Roll Update

Bike OSU  is cookin' this quarter, with the continued success of our  How We Roll   campaign and some  great exposure  for our cause --  vanquishing sidewalk riding  around campus! We're still seeking  volunteers for lights giveaways  and people to  ride our tours . And we've got  our next meeting  coming up on Nov 1. But we're also going to have some pure fun this week on a costumed  Halloween ride . Come join us! Ride on! Denis de Verteuil President, Bike OSU   P.S. -- Don't forget to check out the winter quarter  internship opportunities  from Yay Bikes! Halloween Costume Fun Ride!   On  Monday, Oct 31 @ 9:00pm , our  Halloween Costume Fun Ride leaves from Mirror Lake. We'll be there by 7:00pm to install free lights, so come early and then join us for a casual ride of Columbus' spooky spots! Bring your wacky, your kooky, your wild...oh yeah, it's gonna...