
Showing posts from October 12, 2014

Bicycle Built For 2,000

Bicycle Built For 2,000 is comprised of 2,088 voice recordings collected via Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service. Workers were prompted to listen to a short sound clip, then record themselves imitating what they heard.

She Builds

She Builds from Jon Chew on Vimeo .

A 64-Mile Bike 'Superhighway' Will Connect Fort Worth To Dallas | KERA

View Slideshow The Continental Bridge in Dallas leads to the Trinity Skyline Trail. dickdavid   Flickr 1  of  2 Bicyclists in car country just got some good news: Transportation planners took a $7 million dollar step toward a commuter bike and pedestrian trail reaching from downtown Fort Worth to downtown Dallas. The money approved Thursday will help build about 10 more miles of connecting trails.  As is stands today, studies rank North Texas at or near the bottom for bicycle commuting -- in  one survey  of the country’s 70 biggest cities, Fort Worth was at No. 60, Dallas No. 65 and Plano dead last. [Keep reading at KERA]

MILLENNIALS IN MOTION - Changing Travel Habits of Young Americans and the Implications for Public Policy

Over the last decade – after 60-plus years of steady increases – the number of miles driven by the average American has been falling. Young Americans have experienced the greatest changes: driving less; taking transit, biking and walking more; and seeking out places to live in cities and walkable communities where driving is an option, not a necessity. Academic research, survey results and government data point to a multitude of factors at play in the recent decline in driving among young people: socioeconomic shifts, changes in consumer preferences, technological changes, efforts by state governments and colleges to limit youth driving, and more. Millennials (those born between 1983 and 2000) are the nation’s largest generation, making their transportation needs particularly important. They have the most to gain or lose from the transportation investment decisions we make today, as they will be affected by those investments for decades to come. If Millennials drive fewer miles


Rich textiles are added to the J.B. Classic to complete the unique look of the J.B. Special, which like the Classic model, combines modern technology with leather details for traditional elegance. Unparalleled comfort and a secure  and stable fit are possible thanks to the hidden flexible frame and elastic fitment system developed by Carrera. When not in use, the helmet collapses down, to be secured by the Brooks Leather carrying strap, which doubles as a trouser strap whilst riding.   [See more at Brooks]

Is This The World's Best Bike-Share Bike?

These electric bikes eliminate almost every excuse you have not to ride. Twenty years ago, Copenhagen was the first large city to start a bike-share program. Now that there are well over 500 cities with bike sharing, the Danish capital--which brands itself as the "world's cycling capital"--has reinvented bike sharing again. Its new fleet of electric,  Wi-Fi -connected bikes are designed to get more non-cyclists to ride. "When [the city and partners] began a process of upgrading the existing bike-share system, they took a look at systems in cities like Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Barcelona," says  Torben Aagaard , CEO and co-founder of  Gobike , the company supplying the new bike. "They wanted to have a system that was even better than all the existing examples they could see." The new bikes, which began rolling out earlier this year, aren't cheap to make, but each detail is designed to lower the barrier to ride. A theft-proof tab