
Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Wear. Believe. Act.

There are some symbols that unite the world: the red ribbon which brought such momentum to awareness of HIV/AIDS and the white band against global poverty. Now these are joined by a new symbol. The Road Safety Tag is the global symbol of the movement to improve safety on the roads.  It has been adopted as the official symbol for the United Nations' Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, which aims to reduce road deaths and injuries across the world. Nearly 1.3 million people die every year on the world's roads, and up to 50 million are injured. By wearing the Tag you are demonstrating your support for the Decade of Action, and your personal commitment to be safe on the road. [Purchase a tag]

Wheeling trip recap (Bike fit, ride, more fit and ride)

35 mile ride with some climbs to try out the new gear range and fit.


Being Visible + Being Predictable = Two Keys to Safe Cycling  * Our mission: saving cyclists' lives around the world.

Follow-up: Sinkhole Blocks SW Ohio Path

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio — A gigantic 30-feet-wide, 15-foot-deep sinkhole is blocking part of a bike path in Butler County. Middletown officials discovered the hole on Monday, and believe heavy rainfall contributed to its formation. The Middletown City Council has passed emergency legislation to fix the hole, reported ONN's Lot Tan. While out for his daily walk, Tony Barnett saw the gigantic sinkhole before orange warning barrels were in place. "It's dangerous, I'm glad they took action to fix it," Barnett said. Officials said the area was underwater on Sunday, and the sinkhole was discovered once the river receded. "It's probably 60 years old now and it's not unheard of something that age to corrode over time and collapse, especially with the river and all the rain we had," said Scott Tadych, Assistant Butler County Engineer. It will cost $265,000 to fix. That price tag is too high for some. "That's way over what it should cost to fix it,...

Bill Cunningham New York Trailer

The "Bill" in question is 80+ New York Times photographer Bill Cunningham. For decades, this Schwinn-riding cultural anthropologist has been obsessively and inventively chronicling fashion trends and high society charity soirées for the Times Style section in his columns "On the Street" and "Evening Hours." Documenting uptown fixtures (Wintour, Tom Wolfe, Brooke Astor, David Rockefeller—who all appear in the film out of their love for Bill), downtown eccentrics and everyone in between, Cunningham's enormous body of work is more reliable than any catwalk as an expression of time, place and individual flair. In turn, Bill Cunningham New York is a delicate, funny and often poignant portrait of a dedicated artist whose only wealth is his own humanity and unassuming grace.

Big Sinkhole Takes Bite Out Of Bike Path

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio -- A sinkhole 30 feet wide and 15 feet deep poses a hazard for bicyclists in a part of southwest Ohio. The hole that opened up earlier this week has chomped a big bite out of a bike path in Middletown, halfway between Cincinnati and Dayton. City Public Works Director Dave Duritsch tells the Middletown Journal that ground saturated from heavy rain sank into openings in a 60-year-old sewer pipe and was flushed away. He describes the pipe as "beyond its reasonable life span." The sinkhole and a section of the bike path have been blocked off with construction barrels. Work is expected to begin immediately to replace the pipe, fix the hole and repair the path. [Link to Original Article]

Woman escapes tsunami by bike [via CNN]

Moulton Double Pylon

New Series Double Pylon The ultimate Moulton takes spaceframe construction to a new level. Stainless steel 'pylons' replace head and seat tubes to further increase stiffness. Sublime ride comfort and breathtaking looks. [Mouton website]

Reporter's request: Can bikes and cars share the road?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 04:10 PM The Columbus Dispatch With more people on bikes, with cities reworking their streets to accommodate cyclists, and with spring around the corner, The Dispatch is putting together a rundown of the laws that govern people moving about on four wheels and two. Drivers: How do you feel about the bicycles using your route? Cyclists: How are you treated out there? Share your thoughts and experiences with transportation reporter Robert Vitale at or call 614-461-5007. [Link]

Cyclists can pull into 'station,' stretch legs, open wallets (Columbus Local News)

Cyclists can pull into 'station,' stretch legs, open wallets * Westerville plans to put out the welcome mat for riders on the Ohio to Erie Trail with a rest stop near Uptown shops. By BRET LIEBENDORFER Published:  Monday, March 14, 2011 9:39 AM EDT Funding is being finalized for a project that aims to make Westerville a destination for bicyclists. Brick sales and sponsorships are being solicited for the remaining $25,000 needed to construct the Westerville Legacy Train Depot. It's a $150,000 project that will include a variety of amenities for those traveling by bicycle. To be located in the city's Hanby Park at 115 E. Park St., the depot is part of a city trail loop. But it's also a section of the Ohio to Erie Trail that, when completed, will stretch from Cincinnati to Cleveland. [Continue reading at Columbus Local News]

Take the Challenge! 30 Days of Biking

The Deal Challenge: April 1–30 The only rule for 30 Days of Biking is that you bike every day for 30 days—around the block, 20 miles to work, whatever suits you—then share your adventures online. We believe biking enriches life, builds community, and preserves the Earth. This is the second year, and third round, of 30 Days of Biking! [The Website]

Muskingum Mayhem is May 7th, 2011 - Ride THE WILDS!

What: A 40-60 mile tour of the Wilds and AEP trails, with bypass and extension options. A marked course of mostly singletrack, some double track, and some back roads. Similar to the 2010 version, the Course passes through the Wilds , with viewing of bison, giraffe, rhino, and other wild animals! A support vehicle will be available at the Wilds and AEP. The wagon will be stocked with water, sandwiches, snacks and whatever you leave in there at the start of the ride. You can also get a ride back to camp! Where: Start/finish and camping at the Wilds North Country Camp. 1.5 miles north on Watson Rd. Watson Rd will be marked (2 miles east of the Wilds mtn bike parking lot, on SR 146). gets you to the vicinity, then look for an open pipe gate and signs on the west side of Watson Rd. When: Saturday May 7th, 10 a.m. START- RAIN or SHINE!!! Arrive early! How: A donation of $25 is suggested for pre-registrants, $35 for after April 29 th or onsite registration. T-Shirts...

Why don’t I dress up like a traffic cone?

Image Most of the time I wear dark colours cycling. Why don’t I wear one of those traffic cone inspired bike outfits? This question has 3 answers: Read on...

6 Pack Frame Cinch (Polo Mallet Holder) via Etsy

Originally designed by and for a Hardcourt Bike Polo aficionado, we since learned that this useful item can hold all kinds of things to your bike - why not a six pack? This product was burned by bikesnobnyc! As a frame cinch, this secures just about anything somewhat narrow to your top tube - the strap is adjustable to hold variably sized items. As bike polo mallet holders, these bundle together mallet cues and secure the mallets to your bike's top tube. Bike polo tested and approved! Besides being devilishly stylish, the mallet cue holder will keep players honest on which cues they should use and organizes mallets so players can easily see which game is next. Check it out at: This listing is for one frame cinch/mallet holder -- please note that it takes two mallet holders to secure long items like the mallets (or a rake or a shovel...) to your bike. P...

The Future is Bamboo Bicycles Presentation [March 25, 7PM]

Time Friday, March 25 ·  7:00pm  -  10:00pm Location The Columbus Idea Foundry, 1158 Corrugated Way, Columbus, OH 43201 Created By Yay Bikes! More Info In partnership with the Columbus Idea Foundry, Yay Bikes! presents its adventures building bamboo bicycles at the Bamboo Bike Studio in Brooklyn, NYC. Learn the whys & hows of bamboo bicycles and what it would take to build them in Columbus—plus take a spin on one of our three sweet rides. It'll be a fun and informative evening, please join us. RSVPs requested for snack planning. Contact us to sponsor this event! [FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE]

Tearing down urban freeways to make room for a new bicycle economy (via Grist)

FROM THE GRIST.COM SITE -  This is the second column in a series focusing on the economics of bicycling. Part 1 was " How bicycling will save the economy (if we let it) ."  Here's one way to fund bicycle infrastructure: Stop building freeways in cities. Better yet, tear down the ones we already have. Cities are starting to catch on that becoming bicycle friendly is  one of the best investments they can make . Cities are also starting to realize that removing freeways makes more economic sense than maintaining or expanding them. In the last year, with the help of federal and state funding, cities like Baltimore and New Haven  have been demolishing the "highways to nowhere" that have divided their neighborhoods,  drained their populations , and  damaged their economies  and their  children's health  since the 1970s.  [Continue reading at Grist]

8th Annual Gravel Rouser is this weekend!

The 8th Annual Gravel Rouser Classic What's that at the end of the rainbow? Is it a pot o' gold? Nope! It's the 8th Annual Gravel Rouser Classic, a four-day buffet of recreational bike riding and low-key racing in Athens, Ohio. Participate in all four events or pick and choose as you please. To see recaps and results from last years Gravel Rouser, visit our Facebook page ( ) and scroll through the "Notes" tab. 2011 GRAVEL ROUSER CLASSIC SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Event #1: The Shamrock Showdown Date:  Thursday, March 17 (aka St. Patrick's Day) Start Time:  5 p.m. Meeting Place:  Strouds Run State Park Group Camp Area (accessible via the campground road) > Put on your green because it's time to party downhill style. Enjoy a group pre-ride of the Scatter Ridge Connector Trail, then get yourself back up to the top and line up for an individual time trial down this lovely new trail. We'll have a leprechaun timing this ev...

Advocacy Advance website is live

The movement for biking and walking is led by passionate advocates and dedicated individuals at the state and local level. Advocacy Advance boosts those critical efforts by providing the tools, funding and expertise to increase biking and walking across North America. Get involved in this dynamic partnership to transform your community into a great place to bike and walk. About Advocacy Advance  Advocacy Advance is a dynamic partnership of the Alliance for Biking & Walking and the League of American Bicyclists to boost local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy efforts. With support from SRAM, Advocacy Advance provides targeted trainings, reports, grants and assistance to equip advocates with the specific tools they need to increase biking and walking in their communities. In 2009 and 2010, the League created critical research reports and provided direct assistance to advocates who used that information to take action. The Alliance awarded more than $500,000 in...

One of a Kind PUBLIC Bike Auction

One of a Kind PUBLIC Bike Auction We're auctioning nine "One of a Kind" PUBLIC bikes. These nine bikes are one of a kind because they are the  only  PUBLIC bikes in the world with these colors. We're donating 10% of the proceeds from this auction to support three causes we care about: San Francisco Bicycle Coalition ,  Sunday Streets , and  Streetsblog SF . We highly encourage you to donate to these incredible organizations or become a member. Our auction is live now and ends at  9 pm PST on Thursday, March 31, 2011 . Below the bike photos are auction details. Sign up to receive our  online Newsletters  for more special offers and news, including entering our monthly drawing to win a $50 gift card. And follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional deals. Like PUBLIC on Facebook Follow PUBLIC on Twitter   Buy a One of a Kind PUBLIC Bike MEDIUM PUBLIC D3 IN RED LARGE PUBLIC M8 IN LILAC PURPLE See the rest of the Public bike auction at th...

Velo Orange Switchable Dynamo Hub

VO Switchable Dynamo Hub This is the generator hub we've been looking for. In addition to a having a high polish aluminum body, sealed bearings, and the same power output as other dynamo hubs, our Velo Orange hub also has a switch which disengages the magnetic drag used to generate the power. This means that if you're riding during the day, you can switch off your hub by turning the clutch plate on the hub body, and you'll be riding a wheel with no more resistance than a standard high quality front hub. When the sun starts to set, you can turn the clutch back, reengage the mechanism to power the lights. Includes the hub, quick release skewer, and wire harness quick connect. Does not include wires--you can buy some here or pick up some 22-gauge wire at a local shop. SKU HU-0017 Hub Type Dynamo Frame Spacing 100 mm Spoke Flange Diameter 82mm Center to Flange Left 20mm, Right 25mm Flange to Flange 45mm Weight 750g w QR, 685g no QR Manufacturer Velo Orange Material Aluminum All...

Rage Against Your Machine (via Outside Magazine)

(Illustration by Brian Cronin) THE U.S. CENSUS BUREAU DEFINES AN "EXTREME COMMUTER" AS SOMEONE WHO SPENDS MORE THAN THREE HOURS GETTING TO AND FROM WORK. This is usually understood to be by car. It's not clear, then, how the Census would categorize Joe Simonetti, a 57-year-old psychotherapist who lives with his wife in Pound Ridge, New York. His commute takes him from the northern reaches of exurban Westchester County to his office just south of Central Park. It's about three and a half hours each way. By bike. When I heard about Simonetti's commute—some 50-odd road miles as Google Maps flies—I was vaguely stupefied. It may or may not be the longest bike commute in America, but it's certainly the most improbable. In my mind's eye, there was the dense clamor of New York City, then a netherland of train yards and traffic-clogged overpasses, then an outer belt of big-box retail, and then you were suddenly in the land of golf courses and five-acre zoning—wh...

Why are there no ROLLER RACES in Columbus?

Spring approaches get the blood flowing! Picture two single speed bikes set up on stationary rollers, and two racers going head to head in a 250m, 500m, and 2,000m races. Speeds and times simultaneously projected during each race. A wild event for racers and spectators alike, registration is free and will be from 6:30pm – 7pm. Preliminary races begin at 7pm and finals go off at 8pm. Prizes are awarded nightly for racers and fans alike, as well as drink specials from Switchback. This is the first race of a 6 race series. All racers are entered into a drawing for a grand prize to be awarded at the final event regardless of placement. Race all 6 events and you get 6 chances at the grand prize. There will be live music after the races at 9pm, check out the Monkey House website for details. Keep in mind that these are real bikes, wear or bring appropriate footwear (sneakers) and clothing, and come out ready to ride, ready to cheer, and ready for a good time. [Monkey House]

Not Awesome (via

[The Chive]