Showing posts from April 5, 2015
The Daily Bike: Bikepacking Is Running Away from Home for Grown-Ups @adventurevida
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Columbus Rides Bikes
I think it started with the wooden clunk of Brendan stacking a few small fallen logs across the windward opening of the tarp. The sun had just dunked below the ridge across the meadow, and hoping the wind would die down with it, we were about to crawl into our sleeping bags for the night. Suddenly we weren’t young professionals—or even responsible adults—anymore. We were kids. Sneaking off alone in the woods on our bikes. Running away from home for a Tuesday night. I’d felt it coming on for a couple of hours, pedaling my bike up the winding new trail, tramping around the woods looking for our campsite and then constructing the weather-proof equivalent of a blanket fort. The simple, little-kid joy of exploring and camping out seemed to sprinkle on us like Tinkerbell’s pixie dust. [Keep reading at Adventure Journal]
My bike was hit by a car with me on it | Bicycle Tuscon
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Columbus Rides Bikes
First things first. I am fine, my bike is fine and luckily I didn’t have my kids on the bike. After more than six years of daily bike commuting, I was hit by a car. Or more accurately, my bike was hit by a car with me on it. Yesterday morning I was riding my box bike to work and was less than a quarter mile from where I park my bike when I was struck by a young woman on the University of Arizona campus. [Keep reading at Bicycle Tuscon]
San Antonio Could Lose Bikeshare, Too |
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Columbus Rides Bikes
San Antonio B-Cycle , by most measures, should be a national model: first bikeshare program in Texas, one of the first in the nation, and after four years its network of 55 stations and 450 bikes is set to expand to 76 stations and 650 bikes with a $1.2 million Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) grant. Nearly every neighborhood surrounding downtown will have stations by the end of 2015. [Keep reading at Rivard]
Now Paris Wants to Become the 'World Capital of Cycling' @CityLab
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Columbus Rides Bikes
REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Paris is destined to become the “world capital of cycling,” or at least, that's the grand ambition declared recently by Paris City Hall. While Amsterdam and Copenhagen may not be sweating it just yet, the French capital is indeed taking bicycle transportation more seriously than ever before. To underscore that effort, the city has just announced a €150 million ($164.5 million) program over the next five years that aims to make Paris far easier, safer and more attractive for cyclists. [Keep reading at CityLab]
Why biking to work is a barrier for most Americans @beurbanful
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Columbus Rides Bikes
The Nickel Tour: 100 million Americans rode a bike at least once last year, but only 14% take two or more rides weekly. Let’s talk about why. People for Bikes , a national cycling advocacy organization, has just released the results of the most comprehensive cycling survey in recent memory. The biggest take home statistics from the survey, based on the online responses of 16,000 adults: 100 million Americans (34 percent of the population) went for a ride at least once in the last year. Forty-five million of those bikers made at least one ride as a means of transportation, rather than recreation, but only 14 percent of bikers take two or more rides each week. That’s not because they don’t want to: 53 percent said they would like to ride more, but don’t. Why? [Keep reading at Urbanful]
Bicycle Parking Facility at Rotterdam Central Station
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Columbus Rides Bikes
Off the Grid from Cinelli Official
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Columbus Rides Bikes
Line Of Sight by Lucas Brunelle - NYC Alleycat
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Columbus Rides Bikes
Diamondback Haanjo Gravel Grinders
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Columbus Rides Bikes
Harvard Study: Better Police Reports On Bike Crashes Could Save Lives @commonhealth
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Columbus Rides Bikes
A “ghost bike” is placed in memory of Marcia Deihl, who was killed in a crash in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on March 11. (Rachel Zimmerman/WBUR) BOSTON Last month, Marcia Deihl, a songwriter and community activist out for a bike ride on the first warm day after a brutal winter, was struck and killed by a dump truck outside a Whole Foods in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A white “ghost bike” now memorializes her death. Aspiring photojournalist Christopher Weigl, just 23, was also killed in a bike accident : Wearing a helmet, and traveling in the bike lane near Boston University, Weigl collided with a 16-wheel tractor trailer when the truck made a wide right turn in the winter of 2012. [Keep reading at Common Health]