
Showing posts from October 12, 2008

Flax, it's not just for breakfast

Flax and carbon fiber combined to make bicycles. Interesting combination. I guess it works, because Museeuw Bikes are producing bikes and have won awards for their frames. Flax fiber is one of the best natural fibers on the planet in regards to stiffness, strength and shock absorption. Carbon fiber, also well known for its stifness and strength, is well established in the industry. Museeuw Bikes is combining flax fiber with the best carbon fibers available. Due to its high strength and stiffness, the 3K Carbon HM (high modular) is being used in combination with flax to build world's finest bikes. The 3K Carbon HM is also used for all the tube connections. The site is here...

Ridin' in the Hills of West Virginia

A poor man's panoramic shot... Headed over to Wheeling to visit family and get away from the city for a few days. Got to ride a quick ride with my friend Kevin. We rode out Big Wheeling Creek (newly paved) and headed up Caldwell Hill. Was going to loop back and do some gravel roads, but a creek crossing and lack of knobbies on my bike stopped us. We passed the top of Miller Hill which has a three mile gravel climb. Out to Stone Church and headed down Hill Rd (? that is what Google Maps claims) down to Middle Creek and Triadelphia. Back to Elm Grove for a 25 mile loop. Climbed 1600 feet, averaged 14mph.

Incredibell Woodpecker Bell

I stopped by Wheelcraft Bicycle in Wheeling, WV this weekend and they had the Incredibell Woodpecker bell in the case. Pretty cool bell. It makes a knocker sound when clanked. No metallic sounds whatsoever. The website...

And in this corner: The challenger to MonkeyElectric

Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display! The project includes a free schematic design, open software for uploading and editing stored bitmap images, and a high-quality kit with all the parts necessary to build your own. The site is here...

A $300 Fixie?

It's a Schwinn, but what the heck. The Cutter (named after the Cutters from the movie Breaking Away) is $299.00 and should be available soon somewhere. The site... The movie is here...

Third Thursday News Coverage - The Dispatch

Cyclists pedaling for new bike trail Friday, October 17, 2008 3:14 AM BY ANN FISHER We met at a Worthington crossroads. A light but steady rain had turned the early-morning darkness into a glittering collage of reflected headlights, brake lights, street lights, traffic lights and -- just a few -- blinking bicycle lights. The rest of the story...

Third Thursday Ride Report

From Brett Allen, the fearless leader - 16 OCT 08 REVIEW Two riders for this trip too, except one of them was Dispatch columnist, Ann Fisher, so that was worth tens of thousands. Read about it in the Dispatch. Conditions were fairly unpleasant to start. Misty rainy. But it wasn't cold, and the rain held off after 40 minutes or so. Wet leaves all over everything. Slippery. Often unable to see edge of path. It must be Fall in Ohio. Courtesy of the WAD bike blog

It's a Moon Saddle

Features Most comfortable bike saddle ever built Waterproof and scuff resistant Lightweight with low maintenance Moon Saddle's design utilizes the natural support system of the skeleton and includes several anatomy-friendly features Engineered to fit everyone: youth to adult anatomies 140,000 lb. tensile strength stainless steel tubing Satisfaction guaranteed The site...

MonkeyLectric Monkey Light

Now with video

Bicycle Commuter Tax Provision Passes House and Senate (10.03.08)

After seven long years, the bicycle commuter tax provision has finally passed both the House and Senate as part of the financial bailout package. President Bush said that he would quickly sign the financial rescue package. Thanks to all of you who have contacted your congressional leaders over the years, and also thanks to Congressman Blumenauer and Senator Wyden for their continued insistence on having this benefit provided to bicycling Americans. Keep up with the latest news at the LAB website Bicycle Commuter Tax Provision FAQ

10/13/08 Ride Report

Quick report. More to follow... Roughly 20 miles for our small group, see below. 28 miles overall. Full moon Date was the 13th Two words: broken frame. Two more words: Not mine. We rode east from the start and headed through campus into Grandview. Of course we wandered through the neighborhoods like we did two weeks ago and then headed south. I think we did a figure eight because we headed south then west and headed up Grandview Ave climbing the hill. Then east again towards High St. We stopped in Goodale Park for a bit to hang out. We headed east again. We were on East 1st Street when I heard a ping, like when a rock shoots out of the tire and hits the frame of a bike close by. Except, it was the frame that pinged and snapped in half at the down tube. Completely separated. A beer can and some duct tape actually held the frame together for the next ten miles. We rode down towards town on St Clair and then over to Cleveland, Gay into town and then over into Franklinton. We rode t...

How safe is your city? Put it to the bicycle test

By Fiona Ortiz BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - How long will an unchained bicycle last on a city street before someone steals it? Using hidden cameras and cheap bicycles as bait, an Argentine publicist set out to gauge crime in different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. The longer it takes for the bike to be stolen the safer the area, is his hypothesis. Rest of the story... The videos...

MonkeyLectric Monkey Light

The MonkeyLectric Monkey Light is a revolutionary bike light that keeps you visible - and in style. Its ruggedized all-weather design is perfect for daily commuters, urban cyclists, casual evening riders, BMX, festivals - anyone that wants to be visible after dark and not feel like a second class citizen. The Monkey Light creates full color graphics on your spinning bike wheel, and it provides outstanding visibility. The lighting effects and colors can be easily customized anytime to fit your style - mellow to extreme. The Monkey Light sets a new standard for bike lighting with brightness, visual quality, effects sophistication, user control and durability that far exceed what has previously been available. It installs in minutes on Road, City, Cruiser, Mountain and BMX bikes. The website...