Beat the system... Change the light, don't run it.

Bike Gadget Turns Red Lights Green, from Wired.

Getting stuck at a red light that won't change sucks. It's even worse when you're on a bicycle because you'll never see green until a car rolls up and trips the sensor. That's never seemed fair to Ed Richley, so he's invented a gadget that tricks red lights into turning green.
"About 10 years ago, when I lived in California, a colleague told me about a particularly obstinate (light) on his commute, and asked me to build something to force a detection," Richley told
What he's built is a gadget he calls a Traffic Loop Sensor Activator, and it does exactly what the name suggests — it trips the sensor that tells signal lights traffic is waiting. The bike commuter and engineer from Maryland has patented (.pdf) the device and is looking for someone to mass produce it. It doesn't look like much — in fact, it's pretty clunky, and the gram-conscious crowd will recoil in horror at its size — but Richley swears it works.

