ODOT has been granted statewide interim approval for green colored pavement for bike lanes!

ODOT has been granted statewide interim approval for green colored pavement for bike lanes! According to the 2008 report, there is an increase in yielding behavior by motor vehicles which matches the finding from a 2000 TRB Portland study. The pavement may be installed within bicycle lanes as a supplement to other pavement markings, through an intersection in between the dotted lines, and in between dotted lines used to extend a bicycle lane across the beginning of a turn bay where drivers must cross the bicycle lane. A link to the FHWA website describing the application in more detail can be found here:http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/resources/interim_approval/ia14/index.htm.
More design guidance can also be found here: http://nacto.org/cities-for-cycling/design-guide/bikeway-signing-marking/colored-bike-lanes/


Colored pavement within a bicycle lane increases the visibility of the facility, identifies potential areas of conflict, and reinforces priority to bicyclists in conflict areas and in areas with pressure for illegal parking. Colored pavement is commonly applied at intersections, driveways, conflict areas, and along non-standard or enhanced facilities such as cycle tracks. Though rarely done in North America, color can be applied along the entire length of bicycle lanes to increase the overall visibility of the facility. Motorists are expected to yield right of way to bicyclists at these locations. Along bikeway corridors, color should be applied either in intersection conflict areas, or between conflict areas, or both; whichever approach is preferred, it is important to be consistent.
