[LA] Bicycle Parking Ordinance Has Passed! [LADOT Bike Blog]

Expect to see more of this!
The LADOT Bike Program is happy to report that the Los Angeles City Council has passed the long awaited Bicycle Parking Ordinance. This will mean better bicycle parking standards citywide at commercial, industrial and residential-type locations. The ordinance includes a number of forward-thinking changes  including:
  • Formal definitions for different types of bike parking 
  • Better standards for the different types of bike racks including long-term and short-term bicycle parking
  • Improved standards for where bike racks are located on a property
  • Clearer  requirements for short-term and long-term bike parking.
  • Provisions allowing car parking to be swapped for bike parking for up to 20 percent of total automobile parking for non-residential uses or up to 30% near Transit Oriented Developments (TODs). Residential buildings would be able to swap up to 10% of their car parking, and even higher if located within 1,500 feet of a transit facility, up to 15%. This exchange would occur at a rate of four bike parking spaces, per automobile space.
  • New standards that developments requiring  20 or more long-term bicycle parking spaces will also need to include at least 100 square feet of bicycle repair and maintenance space for residents and employees.
  • Permitting a short-term bicycle parking credit to be taken for bike corrals installed in the public right of way.
