Columbus: Architectural review not needed for bike kiosks [ThisWeek]

Columbus officials are planning to install bicycle-sharing stations similar to this in German Village and other neighborhoods throughout downtown Columbus.
ThisWeek Community NewsMonday March 25, 2013 7:14 PM

As the city of Columbus prepares to implement a bicycle-sharing program downtown this summer, it will do so without the usually required consent of architectural review commissions in historic districts.

The city says that, as a courtesy, it will share the specifications with the appropriate commissions, which will then share their recommendations with the city's Recreation and Parks Department.
But the commissions will not issue the appropriate signoff unless the kiosks are located on private property, said Randy Black, the city's historic preservation officer.
The city plans to install 30 kiosks, which can hold 10 to 15 bicycles each, in various points across downtown and surrounding communities.
Under the plan, affected historic districts include German Village, the Brewery District and the Italian District.
