Experimental lane caters to drivers and cyclists | KTVU.com

OAKLAND, Calif. — 
A stretch of green roadway that extends less than a mile down 40th street near the Macarthur BART Station has some drivers confused.
Many told KTVU they weren’t sure what the roadway was for or who it’s for.
"I don't know what to do," said Dove Thompson of Oakland.
This motorist mystery is actually an experiment that started in September.  The five-foot wide green stripe simply designates that the lane is open to both bicycles and automobiles.
Many cyclists say they like it because it gives them more room than the more typical narrow bike lane.
"The problem with that, as a cyclist, you are constantly in a car's blind spot when you are to the right or left of a car. So the idea is on a busy thorough like this you are out in the middle of traffic," said Cameron Stephens.
