Why I loathe other cyclists | Express

TERRORS ON THE ROAD Cyclists are by far the most unpredictable road usersTERRORS ON THE ROAD: Cyclists are by far the most unpredictable road users [GETTY]
However I’ve found that the main feeling I experience as a cyclist is hatred.

I hate pedestrians who don’t look before stepping out, I hate car drivers who don’t signal, I hate buses that pull into my cycle lane with no notice and I hate the sound of an HGV revving to overtake me.

Most of all, though, I hate other cyclists.

Cyclists are by far the most unpredictable road users out there and every day I see fellow riders doing things that are crazy, not to mention illegal. It’s time we took ownership of our safety.

During the height of the summer I yearn for the long nights of winter. The least experienced and most reckless cyclists go into hibernation, leaving the more grizzled riders to brave the dark trip home.

This year the drop in numbers seems less pronounced. More cyclists have stayed on the road and many have failed to kit themselves or their bikes out properly.
