De Blasio Outlines Steps to Eliminate Traffic Deaths | NY Times

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Mayor Bill de Blasio, center, and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton discussing new safety efforts on Tuesday. Damon Winter/The New York Times
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping set of proposals aimed at improving street safety in New York City, pledging considerable police resources and even precious political capital in Albany to a most ambitious goal: eliminating traffic deaths.
The 42-page plan is rooted in a Swedish street safety approach known as Vision Zero, which treats all traffic deaths as inherently preventable. Perhaps the most significant changes involve the New York Police Department, whose officers will increase precinct-level enforcement of speeding. Other measures include the widening of parking lanes, to keep delivery vehicles out of travel lanes while double-parked, and exploring the use of an automated system that could pause a taxicab’s meter if a driver exceeds the speed limit.
[Keep reading at NY Times]
