East End Brewery - Pedal Pale Ale Keg Ride - May 15th

It's almost time for my most favorite-est GOOD BEER Event of the year - our annual PEDAL PALE ALE Keg Ride. With the shockingly stellar performance of last year's keg trailer, a whole new range of possible destinations opens up for this year's ride, so expect an even BIGGER and BETTER Keg Ride than last year! If you're still pretty new around here and have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the story...

Every year in late Spring/early Summer, we gear up (ouch!) to release the very first keg of our Summer Seasonal Beer, Pedal Pale Ale at a local tap spot. But what makes this debut so special is that it's location is kept secret until a few minutes before the keg is tapped. Oh, and I should also mention that the 165lb half barrel will bedelivered by bicycle, by me, with lots of moral support from all of you of course. Actually, last year I pulled a half, and had some help
from Seth on that backup quarter barrel. This year, I might do double duty... we'll see how the training regimen goes, but you don't need to worry about that. You just need to be there!

On May 15th at 6:00pm, you'll show up at the brewery on your bike, sign in, collect your "beer token". At 7:00pm or so, right at the end of Growler Hours, we'll embark on a delightful Spring evening of gentle riding (remember, I'm pulling a keg!) around the greater East End, until we arrive at our super-secret destination, where you can cash in that token for a pint of the freshed bike-delivered beer you've ever tasted.

Last year, we had a whopping 225 people on the ride, and I'm bracing for even more this year, so bring a friend, bring all your friends, bring anyone you'd like to be your friend, or make some new ones on the ride... it will be a fun evening for sure. May 15th also happens to be National Bike To Work Day, so really, what could fit in better with your commuting plans, and your most basic need for a pint of fresh beer at the end of the week. Did I mention that for everyone riding along, the first beer is on me? We'll talk more next month, but start spreading the word NOW, okay?

East End Brewery
6923 Susquehanna St.
Pittsburgh, PA


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