Chew on 100 Miles Century Ride this weekend - From the mailbag

Memorial Day West Virginia Century Ride with Danny Chew

Big Bang Bicycles presents Chew on 100 Miles Century Ride:

When: Memorial Day - May 31, 2010 - 7 am start

Where: Washington Blvd. Track/Oval where the ACA holds criterium races and the Dirty Dozen starts/finishes.

Route: West of Pittsburgh to and from West Virginia. No Dirty Dozen climbs, but it will be hilly.

No Registration fee for this first time held event
Bring your own snacks, and there will be at least two food stops at grocery stores (bring money).

100 Miles total distance

NOTES: Since Google maps only allowed me to make limited changes on their maps, I had to use 4 maps instead of 1. Please feel free to print out the 4 Google maps of the route or program them into your GPS. I will be leading the route, but it is good to know the route in case we get separated.

About 36 miles into the ride, we will have our first food stop in the town of Burgettstown, PA. at the IGA supermarket with a McDonalds beside it.

At about 44 miles, we will go from PA into WV making it a two state ride!

About 48 miles into the ride, we will go down a 1 mile descent on St. Johns Rd. into the beautiful Cross Creek Valley in WV.

About 52 miles in, just after crossing back into PA (up the steepest hill of the ride), there will be a 0.25 mile section of dirt & gravel road - all of which is ridable.

About 56 miles in, an error on Google maps means we will venture off the cue sheet (making the route shorter) by going straight through on Bethel Ridge Rd. Do NOT make the left onto State Line Rd as the cue sheet tells you to do. After about 2 miles, make a sharp right turn on Cedar Grove Rd., and start down a long hill. A few more miles you come to a T intersection where you turn left onto Cross Creek Rd. in the tiny town of Studa.

About 74 miles in is our 2nd food stop in the town of McDonald (which we already went through earlier) at the Giant Eagle supermarket. There is also a Dollar General store next door.


Here are the 4 maps and cue sheets:

25.6 miles from Washington Blvd. Track/Oval to McDonald:,-80.233197+to:S+McDonald+St&geocode=FXqVaQIdTbI8-w%3BFXO1aQIdxwU8-w%3BFfSQaQId5uw7-w%3BFVhsaQIdKs47-w%3BFd5baQIddL47-w%3BFQRMaQIdaac7-w%3BFWZBaQIdDJg7-w%3BFQEwaQIdtn07-w%3BFQEdaQIdNWI7-w%3BFYQNaQId71c7-w%3BFfr_aAIdASk7-w%3BFfIAaQIdIro6-w%3BFR0IaQIdGX06-w%3BFaXkaAId7i06-w%3BFXetaAId_hs6-w%3BFTyFaAIdw-U5-w%3BFdxuaAIdFR85-w%3BFSugaAIdS_E4-w%3BFfF7aAIdX6U4-w%3BFbRkaAIdzF44-w%3BFTtPaAId8UE4-w%3BFVc9aAIdQSE4-w%3BFbkfaAIdWf03-w%3B%3BFcj5ZwIdZ7Y3-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=23&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,

23.7 miles from McDonald to West Virginia:,-80.399623+to:Bruin+Dr%2FCross+Creek+Rd&geocode=Fdz6ZwIdPrY3-w%3BFXPtZwIdNo43-w%3BFffdZwIdrGM3-w%3BFb_UZwIdqyg3-w%3BFX02aAIdkFA1-w%3BFYAaaAIdAEw1-w%3B%3BFTAHZwIdwqsy-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=6&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6&sll=40.37519,-80.401297&sspn=0.009023,0.022144&ie=UTF8&ll=40.307022,-80.562615&spn=0.009033,0.022144&z=15&dirflg=d

25.0 miles from West Virginia to McDonald:,-80.235772&geocode=FTAHZwIdwqsy-w%3BFVISZwId-p8z-w%3BFd0wZwIde84z-w%3BFThFZwIdOtEz-w%3BFYCJZwIdt_Az-w%3BFYp1ZwIdqCg0-w%3BFdkrZwIdxGw0-w%3BFV8pZwIdoaw0-w%3BFQW0ZwIdeZc1-w%3BFSPqZwIdNqA3-w%3BFcj1ZwIdKLQ3-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=11&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10&sll=40.365741,-80.237961&sspn=0.009025,0.022144&ie=UTF8&ll=40.317232,-80.455284&spn=0.07225,0.177155&z=12&dirflg=d

25.8 miles from McDonald to the Washington Blvd. Track/Oval:,-79.963646+to:Washington+Blvd&geocode=Fcj1ZwIdKLQ3-w%3BFRgAaAIdTMI3-w%3BFX97aAIdo484-w%3BFeqfaAIdJfI4-w%3BFaR1aAIdhMo5-w%3BFXC7aAIdMCw6-w%3BFYLeaAIdwyw6-w%3BFZbxaAIdmzA6-w%3BFXkbaQId5-s6-w%3BFd0RaQIdego7-w%3BFeT4aAIdrDE7-w%3BFYL0aAIdHjg7-w%3BFUL5aAIdwEE7-w%3BFWgJaQIdLlU7-w%3BFRUcaQIdmmE7-w%3BFWU3aQIdh4k7-w%3BFY5haQIdsME7-w%3B%3BFWyWaQIdUrI8-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=17&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17&sll=40.465756,-79.966822&sspn=0.009011,0.022144&ie=UTF8&ll=40.476072,-79.911976&spn=0.00901,0.022144&z=15&dirflg=d

Please visit the Big Bang Bicycles website at:

Thanks to
