Have you seen this van?


  1. And none of the other cars stopped to help?


  2. This is the video from ODOT from when Mike Reed was hit at Lane and High during Bike to Work Week. Check out Yay Bikes for more conversation on the topic.

  3. WTF! Its like watching a game of PaperBoy. I can't believe people stopped at that light didn't get out to see if Mike was ok, let alone make a u-turn and follow that van. how crazy. So outrageous. Thanks for posting

  4. This is unbelievable. All those cars are stopped and just sat there and watched! Sickening. So glad Mike is ok.

  5. It is pathetic that the van did not stop to see is he was OK, but even more pathetic that no one at the light got out to see if he was OK. What is wrong with people? No compassion.


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