Ride for Pete's Sake! - FROM THE MAILBAG

Ride for Pete's Sake!

Ride Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010 (no rain date)
Location: Hilliard Heritage Middle School, 5670 Scioto Darby Road, in
Hilliard Ohio --- Map >> http://bit.ly/dvyMxH
Check-in Time: 7:15 - 9:00 a.m.
Ride: The ride will include marked routes for all ability levels
Choice of routes: ride 7, 18, 35, 48, 62, 80, or 100 miles.
All routes include stops with food and water.
S.A.G. support along the route
Prizes: Door Prizes and more!
Schedule of Events >> http://bit.ly/bgRRz9
Goal: Raise funds for Cerebral Palsy research

We did this ride last year and it was a really great.  Not only is the
cause fantastic -- at the end of the ride last year, we passed by a mom on
the back end of a special tandem-type bike with her kid with cerebral palsy
in a special seat up front, the amount of support for CP was pretty
amazing!!!  On top of all that, they have supported stops along the route
and there was also a BBQ going on at the finish!   Also, for you folks
doing Pelotonia this year, it's a great final tune-up ride!

Not a lot of pomp & circumstance, just grab a buddy, show up between 7:15 &
9:00, drop a few bucks down, and go ride!  That's about as good as it gets!


Registration Info

Advance Registration:   $30.00 (before Monday August 9)
Day of ride registration: $40.00
Children under 18:        $10.00
First 500 riders receive a free “Ride, for Pete's Sake” T-shirt and water
Pre-registrations accepted until Monday, August 9!
