Failed Levy Leads To Park Closures -

Voters rejected a levy on Election Day, and now some parks and bike paths in Clark County will close.
The announcement was made Friday during a special meeting held at the Clark County Park District.
Four properties that are maintained by the Clark County Park District will close on Nov. 18. Park officials said they do not have all the answers, but their No. 1 priority is to protect their assets.
To do that, the president of the park district said closed signs will be placed at George Rogers Clark Park and the Estel Winrick Wetlands. They will also put signs up at the Little Miami Scenic Trail and the Prairie Gross Trail. 


Editor's note: What does this really mean? Cyclists will not be able to ride the entire Little Miami Scenic Trail or Prairie Grass Trail. Depending on how they are "closed" cyclists and walkers will need to find alternate routes around the closures.
