Bike Lady 2010 Final Report

Dear Friends of the Bike Lady,

Bike Lady 2010 by the numbers….

1              Inspiration in the form of two former foster children – my daughter (adopted 2008) and my son (adopted in the midst of Bike Lady 2010)
1              Radio show
1                     Semi tractor-trailer trip
2              Box truck trips
2              Wal-Mart truck trips
2              Out-of-country donors
3                 Bikes/helmets/locks sent to FCCS kids living in Alabama
3              TV news stories
4              Weeks
4              Landscape trailer trips
5              Email updates
13           Out-of-state donors
23           Corporate and organizational donors giving monetary, bikes/helmets/locks or gifts in kind
97           Facebook posts
110+      Individual and family donors which gave monetary or bikes/helmets/locks
460         New helmets
524         New locks
524         New bikes – about 2/3 for teens
1048       Wide eyes that will pop tomorrow morning
38,976   Dollars raised and spent

At least 524 positive lifelong memories will be created tomorrow morning, assuming peering eyes haven’t found their surprise already. And you did that. We’ll never meet the children or the caregivers. We won’t see photos. Yet, know that you changed 524 lives for the better this holiday season. Thank you.

This is the updated donor list,, but it doesn’t cover everyone – all the behind the scenes people like my boss who lets me skate on work responsibilities during Bike Lady, the caseworkers matching up and delivering the bikes to homes and everyone who forwards the emails and share the Facebook posts, etc. It’s a community effort of strangers that come together in a perfect storm and create something special. You are that community. You are that perfect storm.

Here are two more videos that we hadn’t emailed yet. All videos can be found on the Bike Lady website.

During one TV interview, the newsman asked me how this all gets done in four weeks. I laughed and said, “By God, I really have no idea!” I had him stop the camera so I could think about it for a minute. In retrospect, I did answer the question. By God is how it happens. From my house to yours, I wish you the best of a Merry Christmas.


Kate Koch Gatch
Executive Director
Bike Lady, Inc.
PO Box 311
Blacklick, OH 43004
