Fight cancer, and enter to win a trip to cycle in Italy! (from Hampsten Cycles blog)


Cancer sucks...

...and riding in Italy is great! From Brother Andy:

Here we have is a contest raising funds for Andreas Knickman going on this week. All funds go to the Knickman family, are tax deductible, and the winner gets to to party in Italy or France on a Cinghiale bike tour.

Andreas Knickman is my team mate Roy's 16 year old son, and is in the not fun stage of fighting bone cancer. For $5, you and your friends can buy a ticket that could be the winning ticket. Each ticket is a win for the Knickmans, and you can buy as many tickets as you want.

The contest is being run by Fatcyclist, because he is the best at fund raising. He is the top fund raiser for the LAF. Please check it out on his site and tell your friends who you think might like riding, eating, drinking and having fun in Europe with their bikes.

So far the site has raised $3,700 for the Knickmans, so please add to that for our boy Roy!

Andy Hampsten

(The Fatcyclist PayPal link will go a fireman's fund. Roy is a fireman and this fund is being used for Roy's son.)

Editor's note: Little known fact that the Hampsten brothers were born in Columbus, OH. Maybe we can get them to come back for Bike the C-Bus 2011 so they can see how much has changed in Columbus.
